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When we reached the mall I quickly skipped to the entrance, wanting to be inside as soon as possible since it was freezing cold, followed by a smiling Yoongi.

"Which shop first?"  Yoongi asked me.

"Well, you wanted to go shopping so you tell me."

"I don't know any good shops though."  Yoongi admitted.

"If Tae was here I just know where we'd be stuck all day."

"Yeah?"  He turned to face me.

"Yeah, he'd be all over the place for Gucci."  I smiled as I though of a way too excited Taehyung who didn't want to peacefully follow us on our shopping trip unless he got that one special belt, or some perfume or something.

"It's not a bad place to start with."  Yoongi said and started walking towards the Gucci shop.

"You can seriously afford that?"  I asked. Sure, I knew Taehyung could because he did really well with his modeling, but I had no clue where Yoongi got the money from.

"You'd be amazed by how much playing some tuned on a piano and rapping some lines gets you."  He chuckled.

When we entered the store, two young girls immediately rushed towards us. Or rather, towards Yoongi. They started to ask him if he wanted to have something to drink, and what kind of clothes he wanted to try on. They practically shoved me to the side. Yoongi laughed nervously and looked at me.

"It's okay, I'm going to look over there."  I didn't wait for his answer, I just walked to the other side of the store. I knew it was rude to just walk away, but something made me.

Those girls annoyed me. A lot. I know Yoongi wasn't mine, and I couldn't claim him, but I couln't deny the fact that I was... jealous.

I was looking at an expensive looking purse when I heard the one of the girls squeal. I turned my head to look why she was so fed up, only to wish I didn't.

They were practically drooling over Yoongi, who had put on a fancy jacket which accented his features really well. It was slim, so his waist came out strong. And his chest looked broad and manly. Shortly, he looked like a complete meal.

The girls were fangirling, spinning circles around Yoongi, touching his arms, eyes wide open, and I was sure it couldn't take long for one of them to just attack him right there and then. I sighed

'What the hell are you thinking Jihun? It's not like you should care..'  I gently hit my cheek a few times and turned my attention back to the purse.

I heard the girls fangirl for a few more minutes longer, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw one of the girls standing in front of me. Her hair was a dark brown-ish red, and with her casual-but-still-neat looking outfit and a pair of black glasses on her nose made her look like the president of some club on high school.

"Who are you?"  She asked.

"What?"  I furrowed my eyebrowns and tilted my head.

"Don't play dumb with me. Who are you and why are you with Yoongi-oppa?"  She crossed her arms.

"Yoongi-oppa? I don't know what you're-"

"Please. Don't act all innocent."  She cut me off.  "Why are you bothering him?"  The other girl walked up to us and stood behind her, not looking at me but more into the distance.

"You're not even that pretty. White hair? And with red on the ends? That's crazy."  She continued.

"Bothering him? Why would I-"  I ignored the rude comments about my new haircolor, but that didn't made it hurt less.

"Oh you know why you would, don't you?"  She cut me off. Again.  "You're just after his money, you don't care about him or his feelings."

At this point she had raised her voice a little. She took a step towards me. I could smell the huge amount of parfume she had on, it made my head spin.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about"

She scoffed, looking at me with discust. The girl behind her just stood there, clicking with her tongue.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"  She spoke again.

"I don't think I have the obligation to tell you."

She raised her hand.  "You bitch-"  I closed my eyes. Waiting for her hand to meet my cheek.

But the impact never came.

I slowly opened my eyes again. Yoongi stood behind her, holding her wrist, an angry expression on his face.

"Enough, Jeana."  The tone in his voice was icecold.

"Yoongi-oppa!"  She began fake crying and let herself fall against his chest, wrapping her arms around him immediately.

"She was s-so mean to m-me."  She said in between her sobs.  "She s-said I was a b-bitch, and that she didn't care about y-you and she only cares for y-your money!"

Yoongi roughly grabbed her arms and pulled her away.  "Say or do something like that again and you're done. Understood?"  He looked her straight in the eyes, his voice cold and composed.

"B-But Yoongi-oppa-"

"Understood?"  He cut her off.

She nodded.

"Good. Leave."  He straightened his back.

She looked at him, before nodding again. She shot me an angry glance before walking away.

Yoongi sighed and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him. We left the shop, and walked through the mall. I didn't know where we were going, but I didn't really mind. The only thing where my mind was right now, where at the words that girl Jeana said.

"You're just after his money, you don't care about him."

What was that supposed to mean? I furrowed my eyebrows. Yoongi dragged me all the way to the end of the long hall, to a small coffeehouse. We sat down at one of the tables.

"Did she do anything to you? Are you hurt?"

I shook my head.

"I can't believe her."  He rested his face in his hands.

"Something wrong?"  I asked with a soft voice.

He raised his head to look at me again.  "No, no there's nothing. It's just that she had to be there at the same time as us. What excactly did she tell you?"

"Ah, it's nothing, don't worry about it."  I smiled at him.

"Well I do worry. Jeana can be... A bit of a handfull. I just want to make sure she didn't said anything stupid."

"It's okay, really you don't have to-"

"Jihun. I need to know what she told you. Please tell me."

I stared at him for a moment. He sounded serious, but I didn't want to worry him.

"Yoongi really it's-"

"Tell me."  He looked at me with such intensivity it gave me shivers.

I sighed.  "Fine. She asked me why I was bothering you, and I was just after your money and didn't care about you or your feelings."

He blinked a few times before looking away.

"I'm sorry."  He said eventually.

"What? Why do you appologize?"

"Because Jeana said that to you."

"That's not your fault Yoongi. You really don't have to appologize, it's fine."

He sighed.  "If she ever talks to you again you have to tell me, okay?"

I nodded.  "Will do."

"Ice cream? I'm hungry."  He smiled at me and signed a waiter to come over.

"I would never refuse ice cream."

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