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"That's 137 against zero. You really suck at this game."

"Jungkook you have said that a thousend times already. I know I suck thank you. I'm not a gamer, you spend whole days playing this, of course you're way better!"

We were playing this game for a few hours now, and I didn't win even one single time. Jungkook was clearly proud of himself.

"Those are just lame excuses, just admit it. Anyways I'm hungry. Want chips?"

"Nahh I'm good."


"No I'm not thirsty."

He looked at me with a worried expression.

"You've been here since the lunch and it's almost evening. You haven't had something to eat or drink."

"Jungkook I'm fine. I'm really not hungry or thirsty okay, just get something for yourself."

He sighed and stood up, leaving me in his room. I let myself fall back on the bed and closed my eyes. My stomach growled.

"Aish shut up."

I put my 'good' arm over my eyes again. The headache and dizzyness only became worse and I felt really tired. After a couple of minutes Jungkook came back with a bowl chips and a can of coke. He put it down on the floor and sat next to me. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, I was just laying there.

"Are you asleep?" He asked in a whisper-soft voice.

I didn't respond. Instead I turned around so I was laying on my side, my back facing Jungkook.

"I'll take that as a yes."

I felt him getting up again and lifting me from the bed. He then placed me back on the bed and I felt the blanket on top of me. He was such a sweetheart.

"You can stay over. I'll take the couch so don't worry, just sleep."

Then I felt his lips on my forehead. He always kissed me goodnight when I slept at his place. It was a habit he picked up. My dad always kissed me goodnight, but when they kicked me out he wasn't there to do it anymore. Jungkook said he'd do it, and it was pretty awkward at first. Now it's wierd if he doesn't do it.

"Goodnight my love."

The last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep was Jungkook sitting down on the floor and grabbing his headset, probably planning to play until midnight.

The Whole Package [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now