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"Jihun?" Yoongi's voice was soft. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Was it something I said? I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

"N-No.. It's not your fault." Tears fell down on my cheek. "You didn't know.. I-I just want to take a quick walk."

"I didn't know? What didn't I know?" His voice was worried, just like his expression. Luckily the ferris wheel stopped just then to let us out. Jungkook and Taehyung were already waiting for me, all hyped up. But once they saw me crying their smiles fade really quickly.

"Jihun? What's wrong why are you crying?" They walked towards me. I ignored them comepletely and just walked past them. I wasn't in the mood for talking right now. All I wanted was to get away from this feeling. From the aching pain in my heart. I heard them yell after me and soon enough I felt a soft hand on my shoulder.

"Jihun don't run away from it. Please?" Taehyung's soft voice calmed me just a little bit, but it also made me cry even harder, just because he cared enough to stop me from walking away. He pulled me in a hug and rested his chin on my head, his hands gently rubbing my back to help me calm down. His embrace made me feel protected, loved. I felt someone tap my back softly.

"Jihun..? I got you something to drink. Are you okay?" Jungkook's worried voice was slightly muffled because I was shielded from the world by Taehyung's arms.

"C-Can we s-sit down? Please?"

Taehyung let go of me, but kept holding my arm. Or at least the sleeve of the hoodie. He always did that when he was worried or sad. Just holding my sleeve, like a child that doesn't want to lose his mother or something like that. We walked over to the nearest bench and sat down. Jungkook handed me the drink and I almost drank it in one go, regretting it the second after.

"My.. I remembered my dad.."

Both of them groaned and immediatly pulled me into a grouphug. We just sat there for a moment, both of them rubbing my back to calm me, Taehyung telling me it's okay and that I didn't had to worry about it now, while Jungkook softly hummed a song I really liked. Then we heard a voice that sounded like it contained all the knowledge in the world, but it was also really soft.

"Uhmm, I'm sorry to interupt, I really am. But can you come with me for a second?" The young man standing in front of us looked at me.

"And why would she come with you? She doesn't even know you." Jungkook changed into his protective-mode within a second, standing up so he was around the same height as the young man, and looking him dead in the eye.

"You don't know him, right?" He turned to me with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, I don't." I finally had calmed down from crying. I freed myself from Taehyung's embrace, but his arms remained around my shoulders. Jungkook turned to the man again.

"In that case she isn't going anywhere with you."

"Ah, I'm sorry. I should've introduced myself first. I'm Kim Namjoon, a friend of Yoongi. He couldn't find the guts to come up to you himself, and since I hate it when people have misunderstandings I decided on doing it myself."

"Yoongi? Isn't that your new neighbour?" Jungkook looked back at me again, his protective-mode slowly fading. I nodded.

"New neighbour? I didn't knew you had a new neighbour! You guys always leave me out of things!" Taehyung whined.

"Tae we didn't." I chuckled. "We were talking about him on the way here but you were too focused on the shapes from the clouds to pay attention on the subject."

"So.. Are you coming with me? It'll only take a few minutes." Namjoon smiled, and I noticed he has the most cutest dimples anyone could possibly have. I did feel bad for leaving Yoongi like that, even though I was upset. He didn't meant to make me cry, he didn't know that word had such a meaning to me, such memories. I wanted to say sorry, so I agreed.

"Wait here for me guys, I'll be right back." I removed Tae's arms from my shoulders and stood up.

"But-" Jungkook tried but I silenced him.

"It won't take longer than five minutes, okay. Don't worry I'll be fine." And with that I left off with Namjoon.

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