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I woke up for the second time while I was being surrounded by blankets who smelled nice.

'God I wished I could wake up like this every morning' I thought and stretched myself, feeling the little electric sparks go all the way down to my toes. This was definitely the best sleep I had in merely 5 years.

'I need to have this bed at all costs'

I looked around the room to see if he had a clock. Which he didn't have. I groaned and got up. I walked over to his desk. Luckily one of his monitors was still on. I looked at the time. 22:57.

My eyes widened. Was I asleep for so long!? The whole day!? I quicky looked around the room to see if there was any of my stuff here. I didn't see anything, so I guessed he put it down downstairs. I opened the door and found the stairs. This house was actually pretty neat. I ran down the stairs, trying not to fall on the way, and bursted into the living room.

"God you scared me! Is everything okay? Do you feel better?" Yoongi stood up from the couch where he was watching a movie and walked over to me.

"I need to go. Where is my bag?"

"What, why do you have to go? It's late, are you sure you'll be fine?" He looked like a confused puppy.

"I need to work tonight, where is my bag?"

"It's on the counter, next to your jacket. Are you sure you'll be okay?" He asked me again. I walked to the counter and quickly put on my jacket. I grabbed my bag and ran towards the door, where I hurriedly put on my shoes. I took no time to tie the laces.

"Yes I'll be fine, don't worry." I opened the door. It was already dark outside, but luckily it didn't rain like last night. I stepped outside and turned around to see Yoongi standing in the doorway, a worried expression on his face.

"Thank you for everything Yoongi, I really appreciate it. Also thanks for the soup, it was really tasty. I'm sorry I have to go like this, I'll make up to you for it!" I said and ran to my own house.

"It's okay, take care!" He yelled after me. I quickly opened the front door and dropped my back on the floor. I kicked out my shoes and made my way over to the bathroom, where I took a three-minute shower. When I was done I change into my working outfit and looked in the mirror. When I had to work I never paid much attention to how I looked, just to avoid as many conversations with guys as possible. But sadly it didn't work as much as I hoped it would.

"Good enough." I muttered to myself and rushed to my car. I looked at the time. 23:24. I still had some time to get there. I let out a sigh of relieve and drove off to my work.

When I got there I parked my car and walked to the staffroom. I dropped my bag on the table and ran my hand through my hair.

"So you made it huh? Why are you so late?" I heard someone creep up behind me so I turned around. There stood a little annoying guy, but he was sweet as fuck. He was smiling at me with his angel-like smile.

"Just.. Some things happened, don't worry okay. Everyone's worrying about me lately, and it truly hurts me to see the people I love like that" I hugged myself.

"Ah I get it. Hey the boss was asking where you was. He was angry because of what Hyungwon did with the icing machine and he looke like he could fire you if you didn't show up in the next 10 secs, but luckily for you I'm in a good mood"

"You're a hero, thanks Jimin, you saved my ass again."

"Hey that's what angels do right? You're on your period and you had to go to the store to buy some sanitary napkins." He laughed.

"Really?" I looked at him with my zero-emotion face, but that only made him laugh harder. "And you couldn't say I was, I don't know, visiting my grandmom in the hospital or something?"

"No we used that one last month, he wouldn't believe that."

"Ah you're right.. Anyways thanks, if I need to do anything, just let me know."

"Nah I'm saving that for if I need something big, so you're good.. For now." He smirked at me, at which I rolled my eyes.

The door opened and our boss walked in. He looked really angry tonight, just like Jimin said. When he looked at me his gaze softened just a little.

Even though he could fire me sometimes, he was really happy with me. Because I'm the only girl working here he says the guy-customers come back more often, just to be served by me. He also treated me a small bonus sometimes, even though that was only because he wanted to ask me if I changed my mind on being a stripper here again. Yes, I could use some extra money, but I certainly did not want to sell my body for it.

"Ah my favourite waiter! Jihun how are you feeling?"

"Oh I'm okay, thank you."

"Good, good. Now get to work, those drinks won't serve themselves!"

"Yes sir!" Jimin and I said in sync. The boss walked out again. Leaving us so he could have 'fun' in his office, like he always had.

"Favourite waiter.. I'm working way longer here and I'm doing way better of a job than you!" Jimin wined.

"Ahh c'mon Jiminie you're an amazing waiter, you know that. I'm just sligtly better, sorry not sorry." I chuckled.

"You're mean." He pretended to cry.

"Stop your fake crying. You may have saved my ass with your period, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to fire both of us if we don't get to work right now!"

"Yeah you're right. Wait.. MY PERIOD!? SINCE WHEN DO I HAVE PERIODS??!" He yelled, but I ignored him and walked through the door leading to the actual club. He followed me and stood right next to me.

"You're SO getting payback for that!" He whisper-yelled. I chuckled.

"Bring it on, you're way too sweet to hurt anyone so I'm not scared of you." I grabbed one of the noteblocks and walked away to take an order from a older guy in the back.

"I can be scary!" I heard him yell after me. I just smiled and continued walking, starting a hella long nightshift.

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