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The whole ride back home was silent. Yoongi drove, Jungkook and I sat in the back. He had his arm around my shoulders, holding me close. Years of being friends paid off, as he knew how to comfort me. When we arrived at my place he went to the kitchen, while Yoongi and I sat on the couch.

"Anyone want something to drink?"  Jungkook asked while grabbing three cups.

"Coke for me please."  Yoongi answered.

"Milk."  I didn't want to talk at all, so I tried to say as less as possible.

Jungkook nodded to himself and got the drinks, then he walked over to us and handed us the cups. We silently drank it. When we were finished Jungkook stood up and hold out his hand, making a grabby hand towards me. I looked up and tilted my head.

"Come. You're going to bed."

Normally I would've said I wasn't a child anymore, and he couldn't make that decision for me, but I honestly couldn't care less right now. I silently placed my hand in his and he gently pulled me up from the couch. I immediately wrapped me arms around him, hugging him tightly. Wanting to feel the protection, like a little child.

"Is there anything I could do now?"  Yoongi asked.

"You've done enough by calling me, really, thank you so much. I don't know what I would've done if she came to me in tears a day afterwards, or worse.."  He paused for a moment.

"But there's one thing you could do though."

"What is it?"  Yoongi stood up.

"Give her her daily kiss."  Jungkook chuckled.

"Daily kiss?"  He tilted his head to the side.

"Her dad always did that before she went to sleep. Since she lives with me because they kicked her out I took over that task. It's really easy, just a peck on her forehead."

"I think I can do that."  Yoongi spread his arms, and Jungkook loosed his grip on me. As the child I was I switched from Jungkook to Yoongi in the matter of a second.

I wanted to feel protected so much.

"Good. I'm going home now, Tae wasn't happy about me leaving like that. And I don't want a mad Taehyung come after me."

I stared off into nothingness. The scene played in my head like a bad recorded black and white movie. Him hovering over me. Him ripping my clothes. Him sucking dark purple marks into my neck.

Yeah. The whole  'wanting to cut away from my memories and throw it away'  thingy didn't really work out.

I felt Yoongi giving me a little squeeze.  "Let's go."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and we headed for my room. Jungkook told him where it was after he handed him my bag. When we entered my room I was still holding onto Yoongi like some kind of glue glued us together. He put my bag beside my bed and stood next to it.

"Time to let go Jihun."  He released me from his grip but I didn't let go of him. Instead I burried my face into his chest.

"You have to lay down, I'm sure you're really tired."  He gently grabbed my wrists and pulled my arms away from him, freeing himself from my grasp.

I didn't complain. I couldn't complain. I refused to complain. I just nodded and sat down on the edge of the bed. Still only wearing Jungkook's jacket.

"I don't think you want me to help you change, right?"

"Shorts."  I tried to speak out loud, but my voice was nothing more then a whisper. When he didn't move I pointed at the drawer at the wall, next to the door.

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