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After I was done and walked in the livingroom again, I was met with an arguement. And I feared it wasn't going to die down anytime soon.



Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi were just watching the whole fight while munching on the snacks on the table on front of them. I sighed and walked towards the fighting couple.

"What's wrong?"  I asked, standing in the middle of them.

"He isn't letting me be the pink princess!"  Taehyung pouted.

"I'm always the princess because she fits my personallity the best!"  Jin crossed his arms and looked away. Even though Jin is like the mom, he can be as childish as Jungkook sometimes, I sure have seen that.

"If you don't find a solution or a comprimise in the next minute, I'll be Princess Peach. No arguement possible. Understood?"  I raised an eyebrow at the both of them.

Jin's eyes widened. Taehyung just pouted while looking down, softly nodding his head. He was used to this, I had done it a lot of times with him and Kook if they both wanted to wear the same shirt. Sometimes me ending up in an oversized hoodie, but most of the time it worked.

"That's so mean"  Jin scoffed.

"Well if you don't want to find a solution for this I guess I'll be the pri-"

"NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT! Tae we have to find a solution fast!"  Jin hysterically looked at Taehyung.

I smirked. Nailed it yet again. I gave myself a pat on the back, happy with my victory. I heard Yoongi chuckle at my action behind me, so I did a peace sign above my head without turning around.

"You have 30 seconds left.."  I told them.

They quickly muttered something to each other. Finally they settled down on something. They rushed over to the couch and plopped down.

"I'm amazing"  I whispered to myself and turned around, wanting to sit down too.. only to find out that there was no place left. It didn't bother me though, the carpet looked comfortable. I walked over to the side Yoongi was on and sat down, leaning my back against the couch.

"Our team name is NamGiJi by the way"  Yoongi informed me.

"NamGiJi?"  I turned my head to look at him.

"Our names combined. Namjoon came up with it"

"I know I'm smart. Can we finally begin?"  Namjoon asked.

"NO! WE FORGOT SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT"  Jin yelled and jumped up, running away.

"Guess this will be the end of you Yoongs"  Namjoon laughed.

"What are you-"  Yoongi stopped in the middle of his sentence, as Jin came back. A green Luigi hat in his hands, and a big smile on his face.

"Fuck"  Yoongi cursed and hid his face in his hands.

"No cursing!"  Jin scolded.  "It'll look great on you!"

Yoongi sighed and took the green hat, placing it on his head. To be honest, he looked rediculous. We all bursted into laughter as Yoongi sighed and hid his face again.

"Yeah yeah I know I look very great, can we please just start the game?"

We all agreed and started playing the game.


After a few hours we were wasted. My hands were hurting from desperately moving my fingers on the buttons of the console to let Yoshi go faster than Wario, and pass the finish line first.

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