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"Ladies first."

We had arrived at the hairdresser, and now Yoongi was holding the door open for me with his gummy smile plastered on his face.

"Why thank you, kind sir."  I smiled at him and stepped inside. The warm lights and the smell of all sorts of hairproducts welcomed me. We greated the woman who walked past us with a broom to clean and took our place in the booth to wait for our turn.

"Do you know what color you want?"  Yoongi asked me while taking off his jacket.

"No idea, there are so many colors to choose from."  I sighed.  "What about you?"

He shrugged.  "Maybe red. Or a darker shade."

He stood up and walked to the coffeetable to get something to drink. He grabbed a cup and poured a cup of hot chocolate.

"You too?"

I nodded my head. I would never say no to a cup of hot chocolate.

"Turquoise."  I said when he handed me my cup.

He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows.  "What?"

"Turqoise, for your hair. Like mint green. I think it'll look pretty."

He smiled.  "Well I don't mind having blue-"

"Turquoise! Not blue, turqoise!"  I cut him off.

"It's the same damn thing!"

"No it isn't! It's different!"  I made some hand gestures in frustration. People who said those two colors as the same color always annoyed me.

"Fine! They're not!"



We both went quiet for a moment until I decided to break the silence. Just because I hated to be in an awkward silence with someone.

"So turquoise it is?"



Now that we decided on a color for Yoongi he helped me deciding on a color for myself. I really didn't mind any color, since I loved them all equally.

"Okay what about green?"  He asked while taking a sip of his chocolate.

"I'd look like an ice cream with apple taste, which I totally don't mind, but I don't think my boss would appriciate it. Plus I have to work and-"

I fell silent after I mentioned my work. I thightly grabbed the paws sleeves of my hoodie. The memory of that day was killing me from the inside, even though I didn't really have a trauma. Tears started to well up behind my eyes once again as I remembered what that stupid idiot did to me.

Yoongi fell silent too, and his smile faltered. He quietly put his cup on the table and pulled me in for a hug. I grabbed his shirt and burried my face in his chest. I didn't want to cry in public so I tried my hardest to figh the urge to cry.

"You're not going to that place ever again."  The vibrations of him talking calmed me a bit.

"And don't tell me you have to because it's your work, I won't let you go there."

He squeezed me a little.

"Please don't cry, I hate to see you cry."

He let go of me and I dried the few tears that had managed to fall. He moved his hands to rest on my knees.

"But what am I supposed to do for a living then?"  I asked when I thought about it for a moment.

"I already thought about that. You can work at the studio."  He smiled at me.

"Which studio?"  I furrowed my eyebrows.

"The one where I produce my music. There's a spot for you as assistant. I could use someone to keep me company anyway."

'Well, nothing wrong with working at the same place as Yoongi, so why not?'  I though, before I nodded to him.


He smiled at me. We looked up when a woman walked towards us, smiling sweetly. She slightly bowed before talking.

"Excuse me? It's your turn."

"Ah yes, thank you."  Yoongi said and grabbed my hand bedore standing up, pulling me with him.

"If you would follow me.."  She turned on her heels and walked over to the seats. We sat down and a man who looked like he came straight out of a fashion magazine came up from behind me.

"So what do you want with your hair, sir?"  The woman plucked at Yoongi's hairstrands while looking at his reflection in the mirror.

"Just the ends a bit, and I want it colored blue."

I shot him a death glare and made a sound from the back of my troath. How dare he call it blue again!

"Ah, I'm sorry. Turquoise."  He said with sending a wink my way.

I leaned back in my chair satisfied, and looked at the man behind me trough the mirror.

"And you, sweetheart?"  The fashion-icon smiled sweetly at me, chewing on his gum like his life depended on it.

'I think I know what I want..'  I stared at myself a moment.

"Also the hair strands, but cut out as sharp point in the middle. And I want it white, but the ends red, and that should form a heart."

He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. He clearly didn't know what I was talking about.

"Sweetheart, you have to be clear! How can I turn you into a fashionable young lady if I don't know what you want me to do?"  He dramatically fanned his hand while chewing even harder on his gum.

I sighed and got my phone from the front pocket of my hoodie. I opened notitions and started drawing. I heard Yoongi chuckle before he continued his conversation with the woman who was calmly brushing through his hair and cutting the strands with small scissors while talking about things hairdressers normally talk about. I never paid that much attention.

"This. I want it to look like this."  I turned around in my chair and held my phone up for him to look at my 10/10 drawingskills.

He moved his eyes from my phone to me, and back to my phone. He continued to move his eyes back and forth while blowing a few bubbles from his gum.

"I can do that for you sweetheart, there's nothing I can't do!"  He clapped his hands a few times and happily walked away. I chuckled and turned to look at Yoongi, only to find him already looking at me. His face contained an arrogant expression, and he had one hand next to his face, making him look even more arrogant.

"I see you're in good hands, sweetheart."  He mimicked the fashion-icon, and I couldn't surpress a laugh from escaping me. He joined me in laughing soon after. The lady who was doing Yoongi's hair couldn't stop a smile from flowing over her face as well.

"Okay sweetheart, so what we're going to do is-"  The man stopped in his tracks and looked at us, while we were trying to get ourselves together again.

"What's so funny, sweetheart?"  He turned to me.

"Oh, nothing sir, my friend here just made a funny joke, that's all."  I grinned at him before facing the mirror again.

"Ah okay. Now let's begin, shall we?"  He gently turned my head in the position he wanted it, and started gently brushing my hair.

I heard Yoongi and the woman get back to their conversation, accompanied with the sound of chattering somewhere else in the salon. The sound of a broom over the floor to clean up, and the sound of sciccors made me feel calm. The dramatic fashion-icon was brushing my hair into tiny strands, before grabbing it between his fingers and cutting it. I closed my eyes, letting the crazy-but-still-really-kind hairdresser work on my hair while he talked about some sort of product he discovered for his oh-so-flawless skin.

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