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I woke up by the sound of something falling down on the floor downstairs. I rubbed my eyes and sat on the edge of the bed. My headache hadn't fade away overnight.

'Ugh he never cleans up after him' I though as I saw three empty coke cans and some chips leftovers scattered on the floor, next to his headset. I got up and almost fell down as I tripped over an Iron Man action figure. I grabbed it and placed it nicely on the shelf next to his bed while I smiled to myself.

I found it cute how a grown-up man could act like a little child over action figures. After that I wanted to go downstairs to see where the noise came from, but I stopped in realization that I was still wearing my clothes from the day before. I sighed and walked to his dresser.

'He wouldn't mind if I lent a shirt from him anyway'

I pulled out one of the hundreds of white shirts he has and changed myself. I was way too big for me but it was really comfy. And your girl loves her comfy clothes. But before I walked out I remembered the hickey Yoongi gave me. I changed my disicion and changed the shirt for one of his hoodies, which easily covered the hickey.

I walked downstairs and pulled the hood over my head. When I entered the kitchen I saw Jungkook trying to make something, in which he failed badly.

The counter was scattered in plates and cups and on the floor was a puddle of water with ramen and a pan next to it, which probably was the cause of the loud noise I woke up from. Jungkook was pouting and tried to make something from the food on the plate in front of him.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled while I looked at the mess he made.

He turned around and looked at me, still pouting, which was, not gonna lie, fucking adorable.

"I wanted to make breakfast, and since I'm terrible at it I messed up. But I didn't want to wake you because you looked really tired yesterday." He pouted again and looked at the floor.

"Ahww Kookieee that's so cuteee!" I smiled and walked over to him and cupped his face with my hands, making him look at me.

"But next time don't try, okay? Because now we have to clean this. I'll teach you how to make a proper breakfast sometime." I let go of his face and grabbed one of the playes, starting to clean up. "And besides, you don't have to make me anything"

"But what are you going to eat then?"


"But you have to!"

"Jungkook I'm not hungry. Now help me clean up, maybe we can do something fun afterwards since I'm free today."

He sighed but starting cleaning up as well. After quite some time we were finally done. We let ourselfs fall down on the couch and just sat there for a moment.

"Never try to make breakfast yourself again for the sake of world's safety."


I wasn't even kidding. Cleaning his mess took almost 2 hours, while he spend maybe not even 20 minutes on trying to make something.

"So what now?" I turned around on the couch to face him.

"Uhhmm I don't know, what do you want to do?"

"Well, I don't know either."

"What do you think of a amusement park? A new one opened like two months ago, and from what I heard it's good."

"Sounds like a plan to me. Let's go get ready." We got up and walked to the hall. We stopped in front of the stairs and looked at each other. I took a deep, calm breath before I yelled.

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