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I paid no mind to the voice. I had better things to do right now.


I got irrirated, as it interrupted me while I was eating a big strawberry cake under a tree in the shadow on a sunny day.

"Why are you always asleep, that's my job!"  The voice sounded more stern this time.

Asleep? Was I sleeping? I felt a hand on my shoulder, softly swaying me back and forth.

"Can you please wake up, we have to go."

Go? Where?

"Jihun omygod I'm not going to drag you all the way to my car if you can walk for yourself! You know how much energy I need for that?"

I finally finished my srawberry cake, so I paid more attention to the voice. As I did the world I was in started to vanish. The small lake in front of me dissapeared first.

'Poor fish. You'll be remembered'

Then the windmill behind it.

'Poor windmill. You've done an amazing job, take your rest now'  I pouted.

Slowly everything vanished, and finally it was the turn to the old tree I was leaning against. I figured out a little too late that if you're leaning against something, and it dissapears, you'll fall back. And so it happened. The tree dissapeared and I let out a little shriek as I began to fall.

My eyes shot open. No lake. No windmill. No tree. No sunny day. Just the big worried eyes of Yoongi in front of me.

"Are you okay?"  He had his hands on my shoulders.

"Y-Yeah, why?"  I looked in his eyes. His beautiful, big-

"Because you shrieked."

"Ah, that. Just a dream. What's happening again?"

He chuckled and let go of my shoulders.

"We're at the salon, we changed our haircolors?" He pointed at his hair. Then I noticed. His pretty pink bangs we're replaced by a bright mint green color. It brightend up his whole appearance. It suited him really well.

"Woow."  I stared at his hair in awe.  "I thought we went for turquoise."  I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows.

He sighed and let his head hang. "I know, but they didn't have that exact color, and I thought this would be the closest to it. Don't you like it?"  He looked back up to me.

"Nonono, I love it! It suits you really well, you look really good."  I quickly covered my mouth, realising what I just said.

He smiled, showing off his gums.  "I know, thank you. You don't look bad yourself."

I lowered my hands to reveal my smile. I quickly stood up, and rushed to the mirror closest to me. I stared at myself. My silver with purple hair made place for a neat white, the edges of my bangs a nice red. I quickly grabbed a smaller mirror from the table and turned around to see the back. My eyes sparkled as I saw the cute heart on the end.

"You like it, sweetheart?"  Jisoo waddled towards me, chewing his gum again.

"Like it? I love it! Thank you so much!"  I smiled broadly at him and brushed my hands through my hair.

"I made another customer happy, omygosh."  Jisoo waved his hands in front of his face and dramatically wiped away some non-excisting tears from his eyes.

"Yeah you did an amazing job, she looks absolutely stunning!"  Yoongi joined in.

"Thank youuu."  I smiled.  "Oh, how much is it?"  I asked Jisoo as I remembered we still had to pay.

"Nothing, it's already done sweetheart."  Jisoo chewed loudly on his gum before turning to a woman with a broom, telling her where she had to clean more.


"Don't worry, treat's on me."  Yoongi winked before pulling me to the door, handing me my jacket. Before I could argue with him he already walked out.

'Jerk'  I thought as I hurriedly pulled my jacket on. I thanked Jisoo once again before rushing out of the door and chasing the now mintcolored gummybear Yoongi.

"We should go shopping."  He said once I reached him.

I looked up at him, seeing him looking straight ahead as we walked.  "And why's that?"

"I feel like shopping. We got new haircolors so a few new clothes won't hurt, right?"  He looked down at me and smiled, showing me his gums.

"Well, I don't know what else we could do, so I'm in. But on one condition!"

"And that is?"  He raised his eyebrows.

"We have another concert in the car, I want to hear you rap to NCT!"

He chuckled.  "Okay, but I have a condition too."

I smiled.  "What?"

He didn't say anything. Instead, he took my hand in his larger one, and stuffed them together into the pocket of his jacket. I looked up at him confused. He looked ahead and grinned.

"So, which song do I need to rap?"

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