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"Woahh it's really big!" Taehyung was fascinated by the sight of the entrance.

"Wait untill you see the biggest ride they have!" Jungkook was holding a map of the park, and his eyes were shining like always when he was excited.

"Have patience guys, the line is pretty long."

I paid for the three of us and asked them which ride they wanted to go on first. Taehyung was whipped for one of the higher rides, while Jungkook wanted to ride the fastest rollercoaster they had.

"Let's start easy, if we go straight to the bigger rides we won't last long."

They both agreed with me and we started our fun day witht the smaller rides. After we rode every ride they had, we decided our last ride for this time would be the ferris wheel. Luckily the line wasn't that long. When our turn came the man who watched over the ride let Taehyung and Jungkook through.

"Oh I'm sorry, only two people are allowed at once." He looked at me with an appolgetic expression.

"Ah it's okay, you guys can go first, I'll take the next one."

They nodded to me and sat down on the bench. The next tray stopped at the ground and the man let me through.

"Who's going to join the lovely lady? It would be a shame if she has to go alone, right?"

A low voice responded. I froze. I knew that voice. As low as the ocean. I could only think of one person as the owner of that voice.

"I don't mind going with her."

When he saw me he looked a little suprised. He definitely didn't expect to see me here.

"Looks like we meet again, Jihun."

I turned around and saw Yoongi standing in front of me, a smirk plastred on his face.

"Let's get in the tray, shall we?" He took my hand and pulled me to sit on the little bench.

"You haven't said anything yet, aren't you happy to see me?" He pouted a little. God damn that was so fucking cute. I felt my cheeks burning up.

"Ahww you're blushing! I guess you are happy to see me after all! That makes me happy too. How are you?" He gave me a sweet smile, which made my heart ache a little.

"I uhh.. I'm fine, thank you. And you?" I tried to act as normal as I could.

"I'm good. Yesterday I spent the whole day getting everything in place, so I thought I deserved a day off and I knew this place just opened." When he said that the ferris wheel started moving.

"Are you alone here?" The words were out of my mouth before I could even think about it.

"That would be sad right? I have three friends with me, Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok. I think you'd like them, they're really nice. What about you? Did you come alone?"

I shook my head. "I came with Jungkook and Taehyung, they're in the tray in front of us." I pointed at them. "The one on the left wearing a white shirt is Jungkook, and the one with the pink baseball cap is Taehyung."

"They look really nice."

Just then Jungkook shouted at Taehyung. We couldn't hear it but I guessed it was because he made a picture of him without him knowing about it. Jungkook always wanted to look handsome on pictures, and when he wasn't prepared he could get annoyed. He didn't meant it, but he always made sure you deleted that picture and replaced it with a nice one.

"And.. Weird.." Yoongi added while laughing. Jezus his laugh was addicting, I couldn't help but laugh as well. Even though it wasn't because of my friends, but because of him.

"Anyways.." He said and his smile immediately faded. I felt kind of sad he wasn't smiling anymore, but I didn't get a change to think about it as he continued.

"Are you happy with the hickey I gave you yesterday?" He smirked at me and his gaze turned dark. This guy knew damn well how to get me speechless. I wanted to say something but before I could he spoke again.

"Let me see."


"The hickey. Let me see it. You're uctually really good at covering it up so you can hide it, but I think I did a pretty good job on making it look like a beautiful flower petal, just like you. So there's no need to hide it."

"I.. I.." I mentally facepalmed myself. Sure his kind side was gone in less than a second, and he was gazing at me like crazy, but was that really a reason for the words to get stuck?

"You can't see it."

He pouted again, making his cheeks look puffy. Fucking god it was so cute, I couldn't help but wanting to poke his cheeks when he did that.

"Why not?"

"Because... Because Jungkook and Taehyung can see us from here."

"No they can't. We're on top."

I looked out the window. Yoongi was right. The ferris wheel had stopped just as our tray was at the top.

"So show me."

I hesitated a little, but I just couldn't say no to the face he was making. I brushed my hair to the other side of my neck and pulled the hoodie down. He immediatly smiled, seeming proud of himself.

"Damn I'm good." He gave himself a pat on the back as he leaned back on the bench again. I slowly covered the hickey again, confused because he was acting strange.

"That's all?" The ferris wheel started to move again.

"What do you want me to say then, princess?"

Princess.. He fucking called me princess. Tears started to form behind my eyes. My dad always called me princess.

The Whole Package [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now