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Hey TaeTae Kook and I are going to that new amusement park which opened recently. Want to go with us?

Helloo 😙 I'm always down for amusement parks you know that! 😍 When do you want me to be at Kook's place?

Well I don't know how long you need to get ready, but asap. Jungkook is showering right now, and I'm just finishing up.

Got it. I'll be there in 10 😇

Okay, see you then 💕

I locked my phone and let it fall down on the bed next to me. I didn't hear the shower run anymore so I guessed Jungkook was done showering. I stood up and walked over to the mirror.

Jungkook's clothes were way too big but they also kind of fit me? He has a good taste of fashion, and the clothes he picked out for me to wear looked actually pretty on me. I grabbed my bag and got my little 'make-up bag for emergencies' and with the less tools I had I tried to make something from myself.

I was almost done when Jungkook came up behind me. He made weird faces while looking at me through the mirror. I tried to keep an serious face but of course, I didn't succeed. Nobody would if he stood behind you making faces like that, let's be honest.

"Jungkook please, can you wait just a second I'm almost done." I reached out behind me and gently punched him.

"But it's way too much fun to stop! And you always make fun of me so why can't I make fun of you as well?" He whined.

"Because I'm older then you, and because I'm a woman, and because I'm just allowed to. Now stop, Tae can be here at any moment."

I walked over to the bed and grabbed my phone to check the time.

"It has already been 10 minutes, he should be here already."

"Message him again." Jungkook suggested while brushing his hand trough his damp hair. Even though he's a little baby bunny he can be hot as hell. This is one of those moments. I shrugged the thought off of me and opened Snapchat again.

It has been over 10 minutes, where are you? We're starting to worry a little 😩

Don't worry I'm almost there. I just saw a little puppy on the way and I just HAD to cuddle it! I was so cute and soft! 😭😍

I sighed. Taehyung always was like that. He loved everything what was little, like dogs or little kids. It was a side of him I really liked. He was really caring and he always knew just the way how to entertain the kids, and himself as well in the progress.

Why doesn't that suprise me 😂 Where are you now?


Jihun🌸Ah okay, I'll tell Kookie

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Ah okay, I'll tell Kookie. Also, love your outfit 😍

Hah, I'm trying, I'm trying ☺️ I'm here btw, open the doooor it's so hot 😩

I chuckled and put my phone in the backpocket of the jeans I was wearing. After that I walked out of Jungkook's room, on my way to open the door.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked me.

"Tae's here, and unlike you, I don't let people standing in the hot sun for five whole minutes"

"I told you I'm sorry!"

"No you didn't. You only had eyes for the ice cream. As a punishment you have to carry my bag today."

He sighed.

"Fine. But you have to treat us ice cream when we're there!"

"I swear you have an obsession over ice cream."

I walked downstairs to open the door. When I did Taehyung stood there with his unique and adorable smile.

"Hey TaeTae, ready to go?"

"Of course I am! I love amusements parks!"

We got inside to see Jungkook pretending to have major struggles with carrying my bag.

"Why do womans always have so much in their bags!? It's so heavyyyy!!"

"Aish c'mon it's not that heavy! There's not even much in there, stop being a baby!"

He started to fake cry.

"Ugh Tae, please tell me you're with me in this one."

I turned around and saw Taehyung looking at me with wide eyes. 'Nope he isn't with me in this one' I thought while letting my shoulders hang.

"How could you!? Our poor bunny is almost falling down because of the weight!"

Taehyung rushed over to Jungkook and quickly helped him with carrying the bag, pretending it was really heavy. When they were downstairs they put the bag on the floor and wiped non-excisting sweat from their foreheads.

"You two are big babies." I walked over to them and ran my fingers through their hair, messing it up. At least I tried messing it up, but their hair always looked amazing despite what happened to it. "But you are MY two babies." I smiled at them.

"Ahww!!" They went in sync while both dramatically grabbing their hearts.

"And you're my baby." Jungkook said while hugging me.

"Hey don't forget me!! You're my baby too!" Taehyung said and hugged me too.

"I love you guys." I said and gave them one last squish before letting go.

"We love you too." They said in sync again.

"Now, who's ready for fun?" I said and grabbed my bag.

"You said I had to carry it?" Jungkook asked.

"Ah I forgive you, you don't have to carry it anymore."

"But I want to do it."

I trew him my bag so fast he nearly didn't have enough time to catch it.

"You can, less to carry for me." I smiled.

"Are you guys coming or what?" Taehyung asked. He was already standing at the door. Jungkook and I quickly put our shoes on. After that we walked to the bus stop while laughing.

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