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Yoongi pulled up in front of my house. We got out and I ran towards the door.

"Someone's excited"  He grinned.

"Of course I am. I never had a sleepover"  I said while struggling to find the right key for the lock.

"Never? This will be your first one?"

I nodded, finally finding the right key.

"Why? You're a girl. Aren't all girls in their youth doing sleepovers while throwing on clothes and running a fashionshow or something?"

I stopped my movements. I stared at the key in the lock, waiting to be turned.


I ignored him. Tears started to well up in my eyes but I refused to let them run down my cheeks. I turned the key and pushed the door open.

"Hey, why are you-"

I slammed the door shut and leaned my back against it. I let out a shaky breath. I quickly wiped away the one tear that had managed to fall. I shook my head and cupped my face, gently slapping my cheeks a few times.

"Stupid stupid stupid"  I muttered while walking to my room to get my things.  "Okay what do you need for a sleepover..."

I grabbed a hoodie, a shirt and some shorts to sleep in. I figured it'll be a good idea to bring a toothbrush, even though I doubted it that I was actually going to use it tonight. I throwed some random things in my bag and walked back down to the door. I rested my hand on the handle.

I laughed at myself.  "Stop being a sensitive bitch and just have fun, djezus"  I gently slapped my cheek one more time before opening the door. Yoongi was already waiting for me, leaning his back on the car. He smiled softly when he saw me approaching him.

"If I said anything wrong, I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault"  I looked up at him.  "Shall we go?"

He nodded and opened the door for me. This time I didn't rolled my eyes at him like I did last time. When he closed the door and walked to his side I cupped my face once again.

"Stupid memories, can you please dissapear for tonight, thanks a lot"

Yoongi got in and started the car.

"You choose the song"  I smiled to him.

"Gladly"  He searched through the list of songs until he found the one he was looking for. It didn't took me long to figure out which one he picked.

"A.C.E.? I love them!"  I smiled.

He grinned and turned the car, heading in the direction we came from.  "I had a feeling you liked them"

I smiled and looked out the window, not dancing or singing along with the song as I always did. Luckily Yoongi didn't question it, we just sat in silence. I figured when there was a silence between us it was never awkward, always peaceful, and nice. I looked at the houses passing by, and the pretty sky behind them.

Soon we reached Namjoon and Jin's house again. We got out and went inside. Yoongi said we didn't had to knock or anything because they would be too busy talking or yelling or whatever to notice anyway. I believed him, but I wasn't expecting this.

Taehyung and Jungkook fighting over the last cookie, throwing crazy arguements to each other as to why the last cookie belonged to them.

Hoseok fake crying over the shattered glass on the floor. Jin cleaning the mess by picking up the shards while scolding Namjoon for tripping over air and dropping the glass.

Jimin was the calmest of them, silently moving the couch to the wall and throwing all the cushions he could find on top of it.

"We're back!"  Yoongi shouted over the loud noise while we kicked our shoes off.

Taehyung and Jungkook stopped fighting for a second to look at us, before nodding and continuing to argue again.

Hoseok didn't stop his non-existing tears from falling to look at us, while Jin didn't even hear us, way too busy to scold his boyfriend who was pouting the whole time.

Nobody really noticed us from coming back. Jimin on the other hand...

"OMYGOD JIHUN"  He dropped the cushion he was holding and ran over to me. I stumbled back as he crashed into me. If it wasn't for Yoongi stopping me from falling I would've been on the ground with Jimin on top of me. The room falls silent, everyone looks at us because of his scream.

"ARE YOU OKAY?!"  He yelled as he cupped my face in his hands, squeezing my cheeks together. He didn't even wait for an answer.

"I HEARD IT FROM WOOJIN. DID HE DO ANYTHING TO YOU?! ARE YOU OKAY?!"  He finally let go of my face, grabbing onto my shoulders instead and shaking me back and forth.

"ARE. YOU. OKAY?"  He asks between shakes.

"Jimin let her breathe! She can't say anything if you do that!"  Jungkook yells.

"AH, YES"  He quickly lets go of me.

"And stop yelling!"  Jungkook adds.

"I'm fine Chim, thanks to Kookie and Yoongi"

"GOOD JOB KOOKIE"  Jimin turned around and gave Jungkook a thumbs up.  "And I guess the guy behind you with the gummyhair is Yoongi?"

I nodded.  "Yoongi this is Jimin"  I stepped out of the way so I was no longer standing in between them.  "Jimin this is Yoongi"

"GOOD JOB YOONGI"  He gave Yoongi a thumbs up too which made him smile.

I walked over to the couch so they could have a conversation or something. The whole mess was starting again as I sat down. Jin continued scolding Namjoon and told Hoseok to get some paper to dry the floor with.

My head hurt, and the words of Yoongi at my house spooked through my mind. I had ignored them the whole time, but they made my mind spin and my head banged from the headache it gave me.

Jungkook and Taehyung went on with their arguement over a cookie.

A single cookie.

One single stupid cookie.

A cookie what didn't even matter if it was crumbled or not.

I don't know why, but I had tears in my eyes. I sighed and pushed myself up from the couch and walked over to them, snatching the cookie out of their hands.

"Stop fucking arguing! It's just a single stupid cookie!"  I broke the cookie in half and gave one piece to each of them.  "You don't have to argue about something all the damn time! When do you guys finally learn to fucking share like normal teenagers instead of two stupid kids?"

The room goes silent once again as they stare at me with wide eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows, not knowing why they stared at me like that.

Finally it comes in.

I yelled and cursed at them.

My eyes widened and I slapped my hands over my mouth. I never once yelled and cursed at them at the same time. Not like that. I felt horrible for this outburst. I took a few steps backwards.

Bad idea.

My foot landed in a shard of the broken glass, and I whinced at the pain. Tears already at the edge of spilling.

"Jihun?"  Jimin asks, but I ignore him.

I shook my head in disbelieve and made my way towards the bathroom The only place I knew in this house with a lock on it. I made sure not to touch the ground with the spot where the shard hit my foot. It stayed silent as I stormed through the hall and slammed the door behind me, locked it and leaning my head against it. Tears finally falling down my cheeks.

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