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'Because I love you'

Those words were the only thing I could think of the whole walk back home. Tears were falling down my cheeks, but I couldn't care less.

Old couples who were taking a walk down the road looked at me with wierd and judging expressions, but I couldn't care less.

My stomach made noises of hunger, and I felt really dizzy due to the lack of drinks I had, but I couldn't care less.

It started to rain and the cold made me shiver, and somewhere deep down I regretted not taking a coat from Jungkook, but I couldn't care less.

I started walking slower. My vision started to blur and the world around me started to spin. I vaguely heard the loud screams of someone, but it sounded like they were under water. The last things I saw were the bright lights of a car, and the dark shade of pink I liked so much.

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