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The aroma of the home was full of disgust and disbelief as bongs and cigarettes scattered around the living room. A small used needle laid on top of what seemed like a scratched up coffee table with access amount of white powdered coke.

Next to it laid a plate with a burning hot comb plugged in and there she was with burning tears streaming down her face as her mother stroked it through her rough hair, causing the hair to sizzle as the high heat presses against it.

"Mommy that hurts!" she continues to plead and beg as she sits in between her mother's legs. That only made things worse as her mother raises her hand, making it fly across Parker's cheek, making matters only worse.

"Shut the FUCK up bitch! Now keep your dumb ass still so I can finish! We got money on the line and I don't need your whiny ass to fuck it up!" rage began to seep out of her mother's mouth, causing multiple vains to appear from her neck, piercing Parker with her hurtful words.

The slap across her cheek left a bright red mark, making the tears drip from her nose onto the stained floor of the apartment which the two of them lived in. Being only eight, she knew that her mother would always be angry at her, but she always wondered what did she do to deserve the life she lived.

After her mother finished pressing her now stiff hair, she ordered her to run the bath water in the tub. Doing as told, she walked towards her mother's master bedroom that reeked of cheap perfume.

Red velvet sheets and pillows made the bed up nice and neatly and rose petals were scattered along it. As she entered the bathroom, she looked into the mirror in disgust at her bruised face from previous events.

Everyday felt like hell, but she wanted to obey her mother, not make her angry. As the pipe turned on, water escaped from out of it and her mother soon came into the bathroom with a small bag of makeup.

"Take off your clothes honey, it's time to make you look pretty. I have a surprise for you," her mother smiled evilly, but she didn't want to disappoint her.

Slowly taking off her shirt, her back had revealed purple bruises and scratches that continued to haunt her. The memories of her being abused caused her to tremble as she finished taking off her clothes, getting in the tub that was now half full.

Her mother took out essentials and began to apply make up onto her daughter's face before adding red lipstick to her lips.

"Now, let's get this money," she smirked as she packed back up her small bag and headed out of the bathroom closing the door.

Minutes later and older man appeared inside the room staring at Parker with lust even though he was drunk. A slight tear drew from Parker's eyes as she knew what was going to take place.

Present Day

"Girl how you like it?" the chair that she sat in smoothly spun around and all smiles appeared from different faces as they took a look at her hair.

Her 360 wavy curl lace front wig was only sixteen inches and was styled to perfection. The dark black curls fit her face so well and she couldn't be any more pleased with the results she received from her stylist.

"I love it so much! You stay hooking a sister up right, thank you Quita." she smiled brightly before turning from side to side, looking at both sides of the wig in the mirror.

Being much older and doing wonders for herself, Parker is in a professional setting, and the only way she thought of making herself look "professional" is by loosing the ghetto attitude and becoming more precise. If the expensive clothes and weaves were the answer, then so be it. Besides, no one wants to see natural beauty anymore. 

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