10-feeling threatened

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The next two and a half weeks were a blur. Kaycee and I had transitioned into our dating stage, but decided to keep it private, except for our mentors, close friends, and families. We were still adjusting to having to keep every movement in check, because of the constant paranoia of how things could be misconstrued. I knew it would probably help us to come in as a couple on WoD, but I wanted the judges to get our chemistry, and see the struggle of coming to love each other through the moves and emotions in the dances, and not have a notion that was already made about us through our social medias and rumors in their heads before we even stepped out on the stage. Kaycee and I aren't like that. That's not what we're about. You can just tell. Our Instagram feeds still have horrid throwbacks that we didn't delete when we started to gain fame, we have our own clothing brands called Weirdo and Lewser , our costumes are never glitzy, and our routines don't waste any time getting straight to the point. Kaycee doesn't like to wear any makeup that's not necessary or do her hair in any elaborate way, she says she likes to have her moves speak for themselves. I don't like to put on a teen heartthrob persona (like one of our competitors in the duo category, Josh Beaucoup, from Canada, does), because I'm not about having sex appeal as a reason for my success or a reason for my fanbase. I want my fans to like me because they like how I relate to them, they like how I dance and how I communicate through my dance, and they like me for who I am. 

Qualifiers was in just 10 short days, and Kaycee and I were working tirelessly on our routine. We'd just selected the song "Silence" by Khalid, whom Kaycee adored for his music and I adored because of the musicality that was behind it. I felt like some of his pieces were just made for a choreographer to lose sleep over, not because they were difficult, but because of the endless possibilities that could feed from the many different forks in the river of the beat and the melody and the bass...all of it.

Kaycee was supportive, watching me thoughtfully, bringing me tea when she could tell I was starting to become sleep deprived, and always making me laugh when I was starting to get frustrated. She would always offer to stay later and with me as I slaved away in my garage until the late hours of the night, but as much as I wanted her there with me, I knew she needed her sleep, so I always sent her home.


8 days until Qualifiers. Tomorrow, we left LA and headed to NBC headquarters in New York, where the hotel, studio, and eventually, the stage(!) awaited us. I was nervous. I had a few moves, plus Kaycee's turn combination, in my head, but not a full routine. But I figured we needed to let the environment of WoD influence us, and have that help us shape our routine. I also wanted to not go in with something and then feel pressured to stick to it, and having Jenna Dewan, the host, watch it and tell us what she liked or what she felt we could change would be helpful, since she could help us really get a vibe on what they were looking for out there. 

I had a class at ImmaSpace before we left. Kaycee did too. Mine was with Alexander and Will, working on some hip-hop moves. Hers was partner training with Janelle and Jojo. I forked down some eggs that Miya had made and left out for me, grabbed my bag, my keys, and my permit, and pulled on my sneakers and booked it to my car. 

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