2-in a crowded room, I look for you

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First Day of School

If he were a color, he would be gray.

Mysterious and artistic, yet seen everywhere. His importance and ubiquitousness not yet realized, but his influence quietly powerful. Sean Lew was popular, but his artistic side underappreciated. Only the BVHS Arts program knew how wildly talented he was, but he refused to partake in the shows they put on. He knew he had to mainly dedicate himself to the ImmaBeast program with Will, Janelle, Alexander, and Jojo, so he choreographed and gave insight. But he was a ladies man, that was for sure, with or without his artistry. His carefree attitude, his slightly unapproachable because of his "I'm an Internet sensation and I can dance and make you fall in love with me" kind of attitude, and personality that immediately charmed any girl who conversed with him were ingredients for a perfect recipe of trouble.

Although he could have his pick of the litter, any girl of any grade in BVHS (or any renowned dancer), Sean Lew had remained single. He'd been to many a prom in his 2 years in high school, and his Instagram had a few girls on it, but never the same one twice, unless you counted his dance partner, Kaycee.

She wasn't special in any way. Guys had looked at her from there and then gone on to view her page, which they were shocked when they saw that not only did she have more followers than him, but she had reached over a million and was verified too with the app, but they ended up concluding it was because of her dancing, not her unique looks. She was pretty Plain Jane, as girls come, with curly brown hair and big brown eyes, and a dusting of freckles across her nose. But any human would agree, and so would any girl for that matter, that Kaycee Rice was just as good as, if not equal to, Sean Lew when it came to dance.

***Present Focus***



He sighed as he packed up his books and headed out of homeroom. His earbuds lazily dangled half in one ear, the other casually straying down at his side, and he nodded his head and tapped his foot to an invisible beat. Most people anywhere else would've found this incredibly strange, but kids in the halls around this high school knew it was just Sean Lew, coming up with the newest internet dancing sensation. And he was not to be made fun of. He was Sean Lew. Cooler than you, been invited to more parties, and been offered way more girls than you. You respect that name. As he got ready for lunch, his buddies circled around him, and all talked about their first days back, but he wasn't listening. It wasn't the music distracting him, though. His eyes cast a distant look to his group as he scanned the hallways, trying not to appear desperate. He had promised the Rices that he would look out for their sheltered daughter, yet he hadn't seen her since they parted ways this morning. She had looked more nervous than she had before any audition, competition, or interview he'd ever seen her do or done with her. He had ruffled her hair and straightened her shoulders. "You got this, weirdo. Be you," he'd said. She had looked so adorable with her straightened brown hair, denim jeans, and maroon shirt that cut off at her midriff, and he knew the whole school would instantly change their views on her. She wouldn't just be Kaycee Rice, his dance partner. She'd be the newest obsession. Girls would want to be her and guys would want to be with her.

Whoa. As he had thought that, he'd looked down and realized his hand had clenched into a fist by the end of the sentence. Where did that come from? He wondered.

As more and more students filled into the main concourse, chatting amiably in their groups as they walked to the quad or the cafeteria for lunch, he began to wonder if the homeschooled Kaycee had had one of her mental breakdowns, overwhelmed by the new environment and judging attitudes of all who surrounded her. They didn't come around very often, but when they did, they were ugly. He had only seen a few, and they'd been dancing together for a little over 8 years now. So he peeled away from his group and dashed up to where she would have spent her last period, room 804, Honors Biology. "Dr. Wessner?" He called out, ducking his head into the room. The teacher smiled, looking up at him from her desk. "Hey, Sean! So great to see you. How's junior year treating you?"

"Fine," he said, brushing off the question. The woman must've sensed the tension in his movements, since she eyed him slowly and sighed. "I have a feeling you're not here to complain about that new AP Physics teacher. What's on your mind, Sean?"

"Actually, my friend was just in your class, I think," he said, trying to play it off like he didn't have her schedule committed to heart in case he needed to make a rescue. "Kaycee Rice? She was supposed to uh, meet me to give me back my, uh, calculator," he fumbled. Dr. Wessner was no fool, though. She smiled, raising her eyebrows knowingly. Sean felt his cheeks grow hot. "Yes, Ms. Rice was just in, although I don't think I'm technically allowed to tell you that," Dr. Wessner commented, and Sean forced a tight laugh. "She seemed like a bright kid, really quiet though. She's new to BV, right?"

"Yeah," Sean said distractedly. His mind was already beyond room 804, pawing at every corner in BVHS, trying to find Kaycee. He snapped out of it briefly, only to mumble a quick "Thanks Doctor," before he dashed out of the room.

"Yo, Sean! Where were you?" Bailey, his best friend Ken's girlfriend, said as he slid into their table on the quad late, trying to go unnoticed. "I was finishing a test," he mumbled, lying straight through his teeth. He could feel Ken staring at him from across the table, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see Bailey looking questioningly at the both of them, but Ken didn't bring it up. He tried to absentmindedly finish his sandwich, but it felt like cardboard going down his throat as the nervous feeling in his stomach only grew. He didn't last much longer. He slammed his sandwich down, told the group "I'll be back in a minute. Don't wait for me if the periods change," and slung his bag across his shoulder. 

He then headed to the one place he hadn't checked. The BVHS Arts Center.

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