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The madness seemed to be dying down. Media was silent on the paparazzi side, but fan accounts were blowing up, but thankfully, we could pretend they didn't exist, and they helped us actually, because we knew what to avoid and what would make people go crazy. The amount of dancers here had shrunk incredibly, and as AGT kept airing, more performers were sent home, clearing out the NBC complex. It got to be lonely, and not every room was occupied, and some whole halls were empty now. However, Rosemary came with orders from NBC that Kaycee and I were to be separated, as they felt it was inappropriate to have us together for any longer than we needed to be, and they felt terrible about the whole thing. Kaycee and I had decided it would be less telling and more mature to not fight it and go with it, although it had been an argument behind closed doors. She packed her things and left the next morning, and I missed her terribly. 

Duels were beginning in a little over a week, but we were the second day of filming, and I had to say, we were both relieved at that. Kaycee and I had developed our routine and were adding the finishing touches and cleaning it up, so we felt far ahead of the game. We'd started as soon as the Qualifiers had ended, and gone through three songs, and had it been later on, I would've definitely cracked down much harder on myself and pulled some all-nighters, but we had enough time that we had taken it slow and let it form itself on its own. We had our practices, but we were mostly taking classes on our own to focus on our individual development as dancers. I had to refocus myself sometimes, because everyone seemed to notice I was a little bit off when I didn't have her with me, but it was just plain hard. I hated to admit it, but I loved dance a little bit less when she wasn't by my side. 

After an afternoon contemporary class with Rudy from Embodiment, Michael, Marcus, and Zack, I headed down to the cafe, and saw Kaycee chatting with Eva and Avery, toting coffees and their dance bags as they pushed in their chairs and left. "Kayc!" I called, pulling ahead of the guys to meet up with her. She turned around and her eyes lit up when she saw me. "Hey," I said, giving her a quick kiss on the side of her head as she hugged me. "How was this morning?"

"Keeps getting lonelier and lonelier," she replied remorsefully. "How about you?" she asked, looking at the sweatstains that marked my clothes. "Good class, huh? You boys keeping him in check?" she giggled and I turned to see the guys behind me. I grinned. "We can't," Michael laughed, "He's not doing well without you, Miss Kaycee. All over the place, messing up his counts, falling out of his turns-" I cut him off. "I'm doing fine, Kayc." She looked at me worriedly, as if deciding whether to believe me. She fiddled with the charm on the necklace I'd gotten her. She never took it off. "S, you doing ok?" her eyes searched mine for an answer. 

"I miss you," I said truthfully. 

"I miss you too," she sighed. "It's been a blur of a few days."

"Amen to that," Eva said, sidling up beside us. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we have a contemp class in 5, Kayc, we gotta go."

Kaycee winced. "Can I catch a rain check on dinner?" her sheepish eyes didn't let me stay frustrated for long. "Sure," I said, squeezing her hand supportively. "I'm done for the day."

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