author's note heehee

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hiiii friends!!! thank you so much for visiting!! i can't even begin to tell you how much that it means that i got even more than one read!! this makes my heart sososo happy. so i'll just say a little bit about myself and get back to the story. i'm 16 and a junior in hs so life is pretty freakin busy i'm not gonna lie, but writing is such a passion of mine, and it's impossible not to love these guys so promise promise promise i'll do my best to stay active and update :)

so i'm a hardcore seaycee shipper because i'm an ex-dancer that had to quit due to the duress of trying to pursue two interests in high school with a load of honors classes and a torn ligament, and i ended up leaving dance, but never stayed out of the dance world and these two honestly remind me of why i danced for 13 YEARS!!! they bring such dynamic routines, and you can feel their chemistry throughout the screen, and something that i just love about them is how real they are. they're so close on and off the screen, and they're so good with their fans. 

keep on reading-seaycee just came through!!! always feel free to message (my inbox is always open and giving advice or chatting is kinda a strong suit for me not gonna lie), comment constructive criticism or stuff you like (love hearing from you guys, it makes me feel so good, even if it's literally one comment!!! got my first today and saw it in study hall and couldn't stop smiling :)))) no hate though, it's unnecessary and just mean. we should all try to be what sean and kaycee are to us and bring light to each other's worlds!!

love you!!

xoxo kally j :)

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