24-need & love

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I had screwed everything up.

Kaycee didn't deserve someone like me. She deserved light and happiness, which was what she was, not someone who put out her fire, like me. I didn't mean to, God, it was the last thing I wanted to do, but somehow, I always ended up hurting her.

But she never left. She always stayed. I didn't deserve it.

I sighed and looked at the New York skyline. So many people, so many places...how many of them suffered from communication problems? The answer was bigger than my brain seemed to know, since it uncharacteristically waved away the problem as soon as it had come. I had left Kaycee alone, which seemed like a bad idea, but her pet peeve is encroachment on her space, and she likes to collect her thoughts by herself when things get overwhelming. I could explain everything to her when she came back, and hopefully, we'd be fine.

At least, I'd thought it was a good idea.

"SEAN!" a voice screamed. I didn't turn around, for fear it was Charity. "SEAN!" Nobody else seemed to flinch around me, since the party was loud and filled with drunken screams anyway. "SEAN!" Eva Igo's face appeared in front of me and her eyes were big, filled with worry.

"No way," I said, stepping away from her with my hands up. "I'm not doing this to Kaycee. I already messed up with someone else in our division, and I'm sure as hell not doing it with someone she and everyone else knows."

Eva started to cry. I realized I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, so I took a deep breath and proceeded with caution. When she didn't stop, however, unease filtered into my system."Eva?" I asked, my mood suddenly shifting to concerned. "Eva, what's wrong?"

Then I noticed the absence of Kaycee grow stronger until it was a protruding force in my skull. "Where's Kaycee?"

"You might not be doing it to Kaycee," she said, referencing my earlier comment, tears flowing down her cheeks. "He might."

"He? Eva? Talk, Eva, I need you to," I said, sliding off the bench and standing up tall to face her. Her eyes could barely meet mine, she was so upset. "Eva, if something is happening to Kaycee, I need to know, she needs me-"

"I think he got her, he got there before I did-I-I-I found this," she sobbed, throwing a silver chain with a small black and silver circle into my hand. St. Christopher, protect us, it read, and the image of a seafaring Saint was beared into it. Kaycee. My heart sank to my toes. This was all too real, all too deja vu. "Eva, who's he?" I said, trying not to lose my mind. Nausea arose in my stomach, and everything grew dizzy. Don't lose it now, Sean, my brain warned. Or you might lose Kaycee.

"Come on," I said to Eva in a low growl and we sped out of the party. Whoever has Kaycee, you will pay for this. We hurried down the stairwell, and I sprinted down the hallway, Eva tailing me. "KAYCEE? KAYCEE? KAYCEE!" I screamed desperately, my knees coming up to my chest and my breaths coming in short puffs. "KAYCEE!" Eva screamed, her voice cracking in desperation, "WHERE ARE YOU?"

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