26-my light

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"KAYCEE!" I screamed, my knees coming up to my chest as I sprinted up the flight. "KAYCEE GET DOWN RIGHT NOW!" I knew she couldn't hear me, but I was screaming anyway. "KAYCEE!" I threw open the door handle and launched myself forward, my breath coming in shorter and shorter puffs with every second. 

And there she was. 

Standing on the edge, holding onto the railing, looking down, her hair billowing in the early dawn wind. Oh my God. 

"KAYCEE!" I yelled, trying to hold back every single ounce of pain that was searing through my soul. "KAYCEE! PLEASE! GET DOWN FROM THERE!"

"Sean," she choked out, facing me but unable to hold my eyes, "I can't do it."

"Can't do what, Kayc? Can't do what?" my voice broke. I couldn't let her do this to herself. 

"I can't live knowing that I'm nothing," she sobbed. "Knowing that someone will take advantage of me because they don't even consider me as anything except their personal pleasure toy."

"Kaycee," I said. "I'm not letting you die."

"It's not your choice."

"It is my choice," I said, starting to feel angry with her. "Kaycee, I am not letting this happen."

"Sean," she said, starting to break down. "I can't even look at myself."

"I can," I pleaded. "I look at you and I see every single thing that I love about life."

She sniffled and beseeched me with her eyes. I could tell I had her, only a little bit of her, but I had her. "Kaycee, I look at you, and I see happiness because I can see you doing what you love every single day, and I see happiness because I love you and you make me happy. I see the caring nature that most people don't have because I see how much you care about the people that look up to you, your family, and the respect you give your teachers and choreographers. I see compassion and determination, passion, motivation, drive, love, all of it. You are so amazing, Kaycee, so talented, so kind, so beautiful. You are positive, optimistic, and you are so so so loved. When I look at you, I see my light. You light up my life. You are everything that is good for me, everything I needed, and without you, my life would be darkness. You know it, I know it, and everyone who can see us knows it. I can't lose you, Kayc. I'm not letting it happen."

A tear slipped down Kaycee's face. I moved over to her and she watched me as I flicked it away from her cheek. "We are fighting through this together. And we will fight, we will do our best, and we will WIN. We can win. WE have all it takes. Not just me, not just you, us. Now come on," I said, extending my hand. Kaycee hesitated.

"You jump, I go with you," I said, before she could say no. Kaycee met my eyes, and she slowly slipped her palm in mine. I pulled her carefully, with all my strength, over the railing and she collapsed into me, her weight supplemented by my body support. She sobbed into my chest, her breath catching quickly. "I've got you, Kayc. Nothing is going to hurt you."

my lightWhere stories live. Discover now