Chapter 2: Birth

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'Why... Just why?!' Koko screamed in her mind, though it wasn't the fact that she felt that she was being crushed which was the problem, but rather the way that Ninja Clash 7 had ended. And despite her dark surroundings suddenly becoming bright and the warmth that she'd felt before suddenly becoming freezing cold, all Koko could do was replay the ending again and again in her mind.

'Waaaaah!' Koko's voice cried out, though if she were able to, she would have translated it to 'What kind of anime kills off all of it's characters right at the end?! Seriously?!!'.

"Congratulations you two, it's a girl." A woman said from somewhere as Koko heard her even over the tantrum that she was currently throwing.

"A girl..." A woman then said before Koko felt herself being wrapped in something before being handed over to someone else, whom she guessed was her mother. And after a great deal of effort, Koko managed to open her seemingly swollen eyes to gaze at her new world for the first time, though it didn't seem impressive yet as she could only see a wooden ceiling. However, even though the ceiling wasn't much to look at, the woman that was holding her was breathtakingly beautiful. Even with an exhausted look about her, Koko's mother had long and slightly curly blonde hair that perfectly contrasted her shining light-violet eyes. And those features were magnified as she was smiling the kindest looking smile that Koko had ever seen before as the woman looked at her.

"She has your eyes." A man suddenly entered Koko's viewing radius, smiling at him similarly to her mother with his brown eyes and surprisingly ocean-blue hair.

"And your hair." She replied, though both of them were still looking at Koko even while speaking to each other.

'I have blue hair?!' Koko suddenly smiled brightly, thinking of how wonderful it would be to have naturally blue hair because it would have been so odd back on Earth. And if hers actually was like her fathers, then she could only imagine how she would look when she grew older. Not to mention the fact that, if her parents looked like this, she would most likely be beautiful herself one day.

"From crying to smiling in just a few moments." Koko's father laughed. "I can already tell that you're going to be a bundle of joy... or perhaps a troublemaker."

"Oh, I do hope that she doesn't doesn't follow you in that regard." Koko's mother suddenly looked concerned before what sounded like a door opening somewhere diverted everyone's attention, however it didn't seem to be a problem as the sound of scuffling feet was soon followed by her mother's smile.

"David, Teya, come and meet your new little sister." Koko's father ordered, though for some reason it was met with only a small girl coming into view and a loud sigh coming from out of sight.

"A girl? Aw man, I wanted a brother, not another bratty little sister!" David complained somewhere nearby, though his words instantly made Koko become irritated by his assumption that she would be bratty. And unbeknownst to everyone in the room, she silently swore that she would be as bratty as she possibly could. To him, at least.

"Oooh! She's so cute!" Teya almost squealed when she saw Koko, and judging from her long blonde hair and brown eyes, this was most likely her sister.

"Looks like a swollen potato to me." David scoffed as he came into view as well, making Koko even more annoyed before her father thankfully lightly smacked the back of the boy's head.

"You've only just met, so be nice to your sister." Koko's father scolded the kid, and Koko couldn't help but feel happy about the rude child being punished. "Go on, apologize."

"D-do I have to?" David replied uncertainly, looking at Koko as if his father were ordering him to apologize to a dog or cat, which didn't help her view of him at all. "

"Yes, you do." Their father responded. "As a noble, you must always take responsibility for both your actions and your words."

'We're nobles?' Koko asked to herself, looking up at the ceiling again and wondering if she'd perhaps been born outside of their estate then. After all, nobles were supposed to live in luxurious houses and have plenty of money, though Koko wasn't seeing any of that now at all. While everyone wasn't dressed poorly, you could hardly call their cloth extravagant. And judging from the looks of the ceiling above them, a proper roof was long overdue as she could already spot signs of water damage from either the rain outside or perhaps a source of water upstairs.

"I- I'm sorry." David hesitated, bowing shortly as he apologized before looking at Koko for a response. However, while he was looking for some sign that she could understand what he'd said, Koko was having different thoughts at the moment. After all, this annoying boy had completely flipped his personality simply because he was hit over the back of the head. And while David was forced to apologize, Koko couldn't resist messing with her new brother just a bit. And so, after giving him the most innocent look she could manage, Koko made sure to put in the extra effort of contorting the new muscles in her face until she casted an evil smirk at him.

"Ah! I'm not sorry after all!" David yelled out in surprise as pointed at Koko. "She's totally teasing me!"

"David... she was just born a few minutes ago..." Their father replied with a sigh. "There's no way that she knows how to do that yet."

"But didn't you just see her smirk just now?!" David asked while still pointing at Koko, though this was before he noticed that she was now sticking her tongue out at him. "And now she's sticking her tongue at me!"

"David, a baby's face often contorts." Their mother laughed slightly as she explained. "It's them just trying to get used to their new bodies."

"No, I'm telling you that there's something weird about that baby!" David accused again, though it only earned him another slap upside the back of the head. However, it was from Teya this time.

"If she did stick her tongue out at you, then at least she's smart and knows a numb-skull when she sees one." Teya stated right before sticking her own tongue out at David.

"Why you-!" David growled before both he and Teya disappeared, and Koko assumed that he was chasing her out of sight.

"Don't run in the mansion!"Their father called after them, however, his attention was soon returned to his newborn. "So? What should we name her?"

"She looked sweet when she smiled, didn't she?" Her mother asked. "How about Dumpling?"

"Dumpling, really?" Their father asked in disbelief, and Koko was thankful that he did as she had no wish to be called Dumpling. "If we're going for something sweet, then how about Chocolate?"

'He isn't any better with names!' Koko cried internally again, wondering just which horrendous name she would end up with before her mother spoke again.

"Chocolate is terrible to... it's almost like you're trying to name her after the sweets that Lord Ross gave us..." Her mother replied. "But how about Koko? I believe it's sweet and it sounds like a wonderful name."

'Is this divine intervention, seriously?!' Koko asked herself in her mind, shocked to see how they'd progressed to reach the name that she'd had before. However... naming her after a product that was addictive and made people fat didn't make Koko feel better about her name at all.

"It sounds like a great name." Her father agreed before leaning closer and gently poking Koko on the nose. "Koko Cryner... Welcome to our family."

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