Chapter 28: No Chance

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"We'll take turns in attacking the targets, so just hit it with your best shot, wait for them to record your rating and move so that the next person in line can advance!" Austin called out as Koko and the others lined up to test their 'battle strength', though they were really just testing the power of their strongest attacks. And while Koko was excited to see what everyone else in her class could do, she was more interested in the fact that she had an opportunity now to show everyone that she wasn't useless. And if she succeeded here, then maybe, just maybe, she'd finally be able to make some friends.

"Those first in line can go!" Austin continued, and those closest to the stone targets struck them with their most powerful skills, be them with weapons or magic. After the attacks, the stones seemed to hum slightly to themselves before numbers appeared across their surfaces with the average seeming to be about two-hundred, whatever that ment.

Still waiting in line, Koko looked at the three other lines to see that she'd been paired with the worst people possible, being Christina and Richard. However, she was determined not to lose, in this contest at least, as she had faith in her strength. And before long, it was finally her time to strike the target as she walked ahead of everyone else and got into her stance, which triggered more snickers from her classmates behind her as they probably thought that she looked ridiculous.

"What is she doing? She doesn't even have a weapon." One of the girls chuckled, and Koko sighed to herself as she'd called it. Though she didn't mind them as she was planning on ending their laughter here and now.

"Strike!" Austin called out just like he'd done with the others beforehand, and Koko rushed forward, hitting the target with a Serpent's Sting as a large shock wave blasted all around her. However, the shock wave wasn't from her attack, but Richards as he not only blew his target apart in an explosion but the wall behind it as well. As for Christina, her target was rolling awkwardly on the floor, having been cut in half by her sword skill. And meanwhile, Koko's target almost completely shattered when she'd struck it, though it still appeared to have at least some functionality as numbers started rolling across it. However, those numbers shocked Koko now as everyone behind her laughed.

"Twelve?! Who gets a twelve for a score?!" One of the guys laughed, and Koko suddenly wanted to strike the target again to finish the job before she was pulled aside by Austin.

"You're in the way. Move so that we can continue." Austin stated, and Koko was about to protest when the guy that was next in line started talking.

"As expected from the bottom of the rankings." He laughed as he readied his sword. "Look at this! This is how a real adventurer's attacks should be!"

Slightly stumbling as he swung forward, they guy adopted a worried expression as his attack only barely scratched the target, recovering himself before opening his mouth as he was obviously about to ask to try again before the target suddenly shattered in front of him and the other students in the room all clapped for his success.

"Well done, Darrick. You certainly show promise." Austin congratulated the guy, and Koko was seriously considering punching her instructor before she breathed deeply in order to calm herself. Even if she'd failed to show what she could do now, she knew that she would always have a chance to try again later. And that chance surprisingly arrived sooner than she'd expected as Austin announced their next assignment.

"Next up we'll be sparring based on the scores you got from the targets." Austin declared, and Koko instantly lost her anger as she thought that there was no way that she could be overlooked this time. "First up will be Koko Cryner against Wallace Garn."

"Wow Wallace, weak much?" One of their classmates asked.

"Shut up! My score was only three below yours!" Wallace complained before glaring at Koko.

"Everyone else stand back and give them some room." Austin ordered, and the others all followed his instructions, leaving just Koko and Wallace in the center of the arena now with the broken stone targets only a short distance away.

"Can we hurry this up? I don't want people to see me sparing with her!" Wallace asked rudely, making Koko want to put him in his place then and there, though she had enough patience to wait for the match to begin.

"We have priests and priestesses on standby, so feel free to use any techniques or skills that won't outright kill your opponents." Austin explained. "Begin!"

Instantly feeling her world grow dark again, Koko immediately infused her mind with focus to try and resist Wallace as he was obviously attempting to defeat her with Magic Domination alone. And while he succeeded in making her struggle to stay on her feet, the guy suddenly grew angry and started walking forward when Koko didn't collapse immediately.

Having simply wanted to beat him to prove herself earlier, Koko now reconsidered as she saw this as a golden opportunity. The monsters in the forest outside of the city couldn't use Magic Domination, but if she could get used to it here while fighting with these people, then her chances at becoming an adventurer would skyrocket. And, with her decision made, Koko simply stood her ground. Waiting for Wallace to make his move as she attempted to adapt to being under the pressure of Magic Domination.

"Just fall already!" Wallace yelled at her, still moving forward until he grew close enough that he swung his long sword at her. However, even under the pressure of Magic Domination, Koko still easily sidestepped the swing as he seemed to be moving incredibly slowly.

Evading another attack, Koko soon started almost dancing as Wallace attempted to hit her again and again with each sword swing only missing by perhaps an inch. And while she would normally not even be bothered by such attacks, Koko soon started sweating as even moving underneath the effect of Magic Domination was difficult, not to mention keeping her focus infused while doing it. However, she persisted though all of his attempted attacks, using her opponent to try and develop resistance to the ability.

"That's enough, your time limit is up!" Austin just had to ruin it, and Koko sighed as the Magic Domination ended, sad that she hadn't been able to gain anything from the sparring match. However, Wallace didn't appear to have heard Austin as he swung his sword yet again, this time with the blade aiming for her neck before Koko reached up with a single hand and caught the blade with ease.

"Wallace, that's enough!" Austin yelled.

"But instructor, she cheated somehow!" Wallace yelled angrily. "There's no way that she should have been able to dodge all of that!"

"While I admit that it was surprising, Koko didn't do anything against the rules." Austin replied with a sigh. "Now both of you hurry up and get to the sides! There are other students here other than you that still need to spar!"

Smirking slightly as Wallace stormed off, Koko joined the sidelines as well and watched as several more people began sparring after her. Though, compared to how she'd been training, there was nothing special about them at all. They were all so slow that she would be able to easily beat any of them, though the ones that used magic would be interesting opponents as she didn't know how to counter all of the elemental effects yet. Though, all of her interest was lost in them when it was finally time for the last sparring match of the day, and Koko couldn't help but be excited along with everyone else as the top ranked people in the school were finally going to spar.

"Next is Christina against Richard!" Austin announced. "Try not to destroy the academy!"

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