Chapter 44: A Tense Greeting

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"It's not working..." Austin sighed as he looked at Koko attempting to navigate her way though the board maze once again, though just like always, she only made it about half-way through until she finally exhausted the small amount of MP that she had.

"Of course it isn't working! Didn't you even think for a second that I've been trying to raise my MP for years?!" Koko shouted angrily at the clueless instructor as he was only now beginning to believe her.

"Don't let your attitude get carried away with me, you brat. It's my duty as an instructor to do everything that I can to help you." Austin said angrily as he once again began squeezing Koko's head with his hand. "But if your magical ability really is like this, then it would be best if you stop aiming to become an adventurer all-together. Be a merchant or something less dangerous."

"I refuse!" Koko replied instantly while struggling with the man's hand. "If I can't use MP, then I'll just learn skills that use focus instead. All I need is Magic Domination Resistance and I'll be one of the top ranks at this school, just watch me!"

"That's impossible, idiot." Austin sighed as he released her. "While a graduated adventurer's worth is evaluated through ability, the academy's ranks are dictated solely through one's MP. Meaning that while it's normal for most people to be able to rise through the ranks as they train themselves, for you, it's impossible."

"So I'm going to be the lowest rank until I graduate?!" Koko asked in horror.

"Worse than that, afterwards you'll most likely be assigned in the capital or somewhere that's free of danger because the pen-pushers in the office will think that you're worthless." Austin explained.

"A-assigned?" Koko asked curiously. "Don't adventurers get to go anywhere they want to?"

"Or course not, otherwise there'd be several towns and villages that would be completely abandoned seeing as no one would stay there." Austin lightly hit the top of her head this time, though by now she was used to the physical abuse as she figured that it was really just the awkward man showing that he cared. "Every adventurer that graduates from the academy has to go to their assigned guildhalls across not just the settlements in the kingdom, but all over the world. Also seeing as you probably don't know it, adventurers are based across multiple countries, you'll be forsaking your citizenship to Harven as soon as you graduate so that you're not bound by the kingdom"

"Eh?!! B-but why would people send children from noble families here then? Wouldn't they not be nobles anymore?" Koko asked in shock, now wondering just where she would end up at the end of who years.

"Because they're all the third sons or daughters of said nobles and no one needs them around just to mooch money and power from their parents." Austin said while looking directly at Koko.

"My parents did not send me here just to get rid of me. It's my dream to become an adventurer!" Koko glared at the man, now truly angry at him for what he was implying.

"I never said that all cases are like that, but most are." Austin shrugged. "However, if it really is impossible for you to raise your MP, then we'll have to focus on getting the resistance that you've been wanting."

"Yes!" Koko shouted excitedly, thankful to finally be doing something productive while instantly getting over her previous anger.

"We'll begin tomorrow, so be prepared for even harsher training than before." Austin said as he walked away, though Koko didn't mind his words at all. Ever since she'd arrived on Elnor, she'd been doing hardly anything but training, and she wasn't afraid of it at all. However, what Austin had meant by saying that the training would be even harsher than even magic control, she had no idea as to what that would mean as the activity itself was already exhausting enough.

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