Chapter 13: Castle

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"Why do we have to go see the king?!" Koko asked in shock, not having expected to even meet the man in her lifetime seeing as she hadn't come to this world with any special powers.

"Because he's the one that has to oversee all of the ancient trials." Benson explained. "He's also the one that signed the agreement for Herkfield's taking over Wence, so it's only right that he be involved."

"Just stay silent and follow instructions when we meet with him." Shell stated while caressing Koko's hair. "I know that you haven't had any court training yet, but you should be fine if you do just that."

"Don't worry, I'm sure that you'll do well." Benson slightly laughed before they all continued the rest of the way to Goldgate in silence. Thanks to the fancy carriage, the guards at the gate allowed them through instantly and soon the were on the main street, though they were having to travel slower now so that they didn't run over any of the thousands of people in the streets. And if Koko had thought that the streets of Wence had been crowded, than it was nothing compared to what she was witnessing now as the cobblestone street wasn't even hardly visible past all of the moving bodies.

Eventually, the carriage finally moved past the majority of the city's traffic as they left the market district and headed into a residential district that was only about a quarter as busy as the market district was, most likely because everyone that lived there was busy with their daily lives. Though, there was still a lot of housewives working long the sides of the streets and plenty of children that were running around and playing together. And as Koko saw them, she suddenly became envious as many of them were her age and already had friends. However, she also thought that it was partially her fault seeing as she'd basically became a NEET in this world as well. Only, instead of watching anime and reading manga, she now just devoted all of her time to training.

Proceeding to the noble's district, the houses became noticeably different as the once clustered buildings turned into wide mansions with giant yards and metal fences around them. The streets were almost completely empty save for several patrols of guards and other carriages carrying the city's local nobility. Though Koko noticed that, comparing their carriages to the one she was currently riding in, there was a definite difference as to their class of nobility. And now more than ever, she was reminded that she came from nothing but a backwater town.

"We're almost there..." Shell almost whispered as the castle grew near and she pulled Koko close to her. Teya did the same thing while Benson and David merely looked at the floor as if they couldn't look her in the eyes at the moment. And while all of them were fretting over the upcoming trail, Koko was looking up in wonder at the castle made of grey brick that seemed to dominate the very sky as she grew closer to it. It's many towers and the center keep rose almost as high as skyscrapers. Stained glass windows covered the upper levels while the bottom had no entrance of any kind, making the structure both a fortress as well as a work of art.

"Fairly impressive, isn't it?" James commented from the other side of the wagon as he must have seeing Koko's reaction to the building. "It looks great, but it's terribly cold in the winter time unless you have a fire."

"Since when have you been at the castle?" David suddenly asked.

"I grew here." James shrugged. "I'm sorry, I probably should have told you by now."

"You introduced yourself to everyone as the son of a blacksmith, but with how weird you are, I should have know something was wrong." David sighed. "So? Are you the son of a general or something?"

"He's a spy!" Koko suddenly called out her own suspicion, though hesitated as everyone looked at her. "Well... he's always following around things that he thinks is interesting, right?"

"You're right, but you're also not even close." James laughed in a friendly manner. "Please forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. While my name is James Packer, I'm afraid that last name is only a cover given to me by the court mages. My real name is James Trion, or in other words, King Xavier Trion's second son."

"H-huh?!" David asked in complete surprise. "We've been bunking together for years! Why didn't you ever tell me?!"

"It must have slipped my mind." James shrugged.

"The dawn of the Pedophile Prince... how scary it is that the gods gave someone like you power?" Koko shivered as she spoke, and Shell instantly covered her mouth while shaking herself.

"Koko, that's the one of the crowned princes!" Shell said in a hushed tone. "You could be executed!"

"I've already told you that I'm not a pedophile!" James yelled at the restrained Koko, though even if her mouth was being held shut, her eyes were delivering the message that she wasn't believing him at all.

"R-regardless, even if Koko loses the trial, I promise that I'll start an investigation to determine the true doings of Baron Blackman and his son. You have my word on that." James promised.

"Thanks a lot, your majesty." Koko managed to say after freeing her mouth. "But next time when I'm training, please don't stare at me for hours on end."

"I didn't stare at you, I was just observing your fighting style..." James growled before sighing and looking at Koko pleadingly. "Please don't say anything about that inside of the castle. I would hate for someone so unique to be executed."

"I can handle that much at least." Koko agreed.

"Halt!" A voice suddenly suddenly called out, making the carriage stop as the guards close to the castle stopped them.

"It will most likely be faster to walk from here." James stated opening the door and climbing out of the carriage. "Don't worry about them. They're with me and we're all expected for an audience with my father."

"P-Prince James! Of course, your majesty. We'll escort you!" The guardsman that had called out earlier reported as all of them at the castle's entrance seemed to stiffen up and stand straighter than before.

"Ooh! They're statues now!" Koko couldn't resist teasing them slightly as she climbed out of the carriage behind everyone else and walked past the frozen guardsmen.

"Come Koko, let's not tease them." Benson said as he walked beside Koko and grabber her hand so that she had to follow him. Though once inside, Koko's mind immediately saw several things to keep her attention rather than the guards as the entire interior seemed to be colored with a rich red color. From the carpets to the painted walls, everything save for the decorative armor stands along the walls and the paintings was red, save for the golden borders that separated the walls from the floor.

"Lord Benson, I presume?" Asked what looked looked like an important looking man in black robes that was standing beside the large doors that the guards had escorted them to.

"I am." Benson confirmed.

"Then please follow me. The other party is already here, and the king will meet with you immediately." The man bowed slightly before opening the door behind him, and everyone, Koko included, took a deep breath and hesitated before walking forward towards the throne room.

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