Chapter 91: Dance

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'I wasn't expecting thanks, but you could at least mention it!' The goddess shouted angrily in Koko's mind as she moped while getting ready for the dance.

'I'll admit that you helped me win the competition, but now everyone thinks that I did something amazing to the clouds!' Koko replied irritably. 'Not to mention the fact that I wanted to win it by myself, though nevermind that. I haven't heard from you in a while, is everything okay?'

'Other than getting yelled at by the other gods and being forced to work like a slave, everything's fine.' The goddess sighed. 'Gah! I just want to watch anime and those stupid normies wont leave me alone!'

'Welcome to the life of an otaku.' Koko became smug as she realized that she'd inducted a goddess into her culture.

'I'm only halfway through the Ninja Clash series and I can already tell why you were so obsessed with it. It's great!' The goddess continued. 'But that just makes me hate Ninja Clash Seven even more!'

'Join the club.' Koko sighed. 'But I have to go now, I have people waiting.'

'Alright, have fun with the dance!' The goddess replied before going silent. And seeing as Koko was now ready and Christina seemed to be getting close, she focused on the event at hand.

"You look absolutely amazing! White is totally your color." Koko nodded her approval at her friend's new dress, and so did several other women that were passing by seeing as King Xavier was kind enough to lend a section of his castle to the public so that people could change into their formal wear.

"You look amazing too." Christina seemed overly happy for some reason. "I knew that you'd look good with your hair down, and you even found a dress that matches the color!"

"Thanks, though I wasn't the one that found it." Koko replied, still thankful to both Jazzy and her mother seeing as they were the ones that sent the dress to her.

"But I don't think that it's complete though." Christina continued in a thoughtful tone.

"What else do I need?" Koko asked curiously, having thought that she was ready before Christina suddenly turned around and grabbed something from her pack. And after moving closer to Koko and putting something in her hair, Christina grabbed Koko's shoulders and turned her towards a large nearby mirror where she finally saw what the hero had done.

"There! Now you're perfect!" Christina declared happily.

"Christina..." Koko replied with a smile as she brought her hand up to feel her new hair clip that was covered in a bright white flower. It perfectly contrasted the rest of her blue attire, and Koko smiled warmly to the girl before Christina turned around quickly and began to finish her own preparations. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." Christina gave Koko a smile as she finished preparing. "And now that we're both ready, let's go dance!"

"Y-yeah..." Koko replied while attempting to have just as much enthusiasm, though she couldn't seeing as her previous conversation with the prince was now weighing on her mind. More than likely she would have to dance with him, then Richard would most likely want to dance as well and then... Just what happened at a dance anyway? Is that all that everyone was supposed to do is just dance?

Thinking about what might possibly take place, Koko became worried as she'd never participated in this kind of event before. Sure, she'd attended balls and celebrations before, but those had always had the select purpose of either promoting a prominent figure or raising funds for some kind of campaign. So what was the end goal of a dance? What was she supposed to do afterward?!

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