Chapter 128: Forceful Training

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Koko's P.O.V

Holding her side and flinching in pain, Koko didn't have any time to recover as she dodged to the side just as Clyis crashed down to the ground where she'd just been standing. And while most wouldn't try to destroy the castle in which they were living in, the demon didn't seem to care at all as he smashed through walls, supports and eventually even tried to collapse a tower on top of her. But just like before, she continued to dodge all of his attacks with only the swiftest managing to make it through her guard and leave the injuries that she was fighting though.

"Is that all you've got? What happened to what you were able to do before?!" Clyis asked as Koko evaded two punches before she doubled over from a kick to the stomach.

"Back then I was fighting for my life." Koko smirked as she looked up and replied to her opponent. "But now that I know that you won't kill your anchor, there's no way I'm fighting until I can't move anymore."

"We won't kill you? Listen, you may be the best anchor that we have right now, but don't fool yourself into thinking that you're the only one." Clyis answered with his words making her nervous. "If you can't get any stronger, then you're useless. And if you're not going to give it your best, then I really am going to kill you."

"Oh? And you're certain that you don't need me?" Koko asked while trying to bluff her way out of the situation.

"Yes." Clyis responded before suddenly appearing next to her and delivering a kick to her side that sent her flying through the air and into the castle wall. But while she'd hit the surface, she then continued past it while now free falling in the air until she eventually crashed through the roof of one of the abandoned buildings beneath the castle in the city. And even though she was winded and couldn't take a breath after both the kick and the fall, that didn't stop Clyis as landed beside her before the dust had even left the air before she was struck again and was smashed through the floor until she hit the stone underneath of the building, bounced and smashed through another wall until she finally came to a rest on the street outside. Though before she could get struck again, Koko lashed out with her fist covered in green fire which which struck the demon's fist as he attempted to hit her again.

"Finally taking this seriously, huh?" Clyis asked without a hint of amusement in his tone before his own body combusted with the same green fire that she was using. "It's about time. You're already almost dead."

"About half, I'd say." She smirked in reply before she began to ignore the pain while standing. "I might not be able to win, but I can still make your jaw sore for the rest of the day."

"That's the spirit." The demon actually smirked before he punched the ground where Koko had been standing and she managed to jump up and hit him in the face with her knee. But before she could retreat, she found herself passing through another wall as he'd grabbed her leg and thrown her. And so, as the days passed, their 'training' proceeded with Koko getting injured from both her opponent hitting her as well as from the backlash from her own abilities while Clyis mercilessly pursued her to the point that she was barely alive. But no matter how much he hit her, she noticed that the demon was never doing enough damage to actually break any bones or make any lasting injuries which wouldn't heal over a night of meditation. And strangely, the fact that he was still going easy on her made Koko more angry than the actual beatings.

While Koko's training was painful and cruel, that didn't mean that she didn't take advantage of it. Because not only was fighting Clyis improving her stats, her level and even her skill percentages drastically, but she was also using their practice sessions to defeat any demons or monsters that she came close to while in the city to try and thin their numbers as much as possible. And while her first few sessions filled the air with the black smoke from their bodies, the new residents of Goldgate learned quickly that she was something to avoid and ended up fleeing the city entirely whenever the demon general would start attacking her. Though Clyis, on the other hand, knew what she was doing and strangely didn't try to stop her at all. In fact, at times, it'd seemed like he was even guiding her towards groups of his subordinates. Though as to why that was, she never came to know since whenever she'd try talking to him, he would increase his speed and she'd end up either getting hit or simply being thrown through more structures. And by the end of the fourth day of training, due to her constant use of Dragon's Fury, she was pleasantly surprised by the fact that she barely even felt the backlash from it anymore. Though just like always, she was still beaten until the point of falling unconscious before Clyis allowed her to go back to the castle and rest in her room so that she could recover.

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