Chapter 80: The Leaky Caverns (Part 5)

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"What are those things?" Christina asked in a whisper they all peaked out from behind a large boulder in the third room of the dungeon. And while they'd been fighting nothing but crystal crabs up until this point, what was now in front of them almost seemed like walking scarecrows.

"They don't have nameplates? That's not a good sign..." Koko added.

"They don't have nameplates because they're similar to the ents that we fought in the forest." Richard stated before pointing over the boulder. "There, see that one that's taller than the others? It's a level thirty-two puppet master."

"Sooo, if we take that one out, will the minions disappear or something?" Koko wondered.

"I... don't think that any of us know that. We haven't gone over this type of monster in class yet." Christina answered. "But regardless of what it is, we're going to have to get past it in order to get out of here."

"You're right." Richard confirmed. "But how do we want to approach this? And before anyone says anything, I think I'd better hold off on creating anymore fireballs while underground."

"Agreed." The two girls replied at the same time.

"So what should we do then?" Richard asked.

"Richard, you focus your ice on the puppet master, Koko, defend us from anything that gets too close. And while you both do that, I'll attempt to destroy all of the minions." Christina planned. "Any objections?"

"None here." Koko replied while Richard simply nodded.

"Alright, then we attack in three, two, one!" Christina counted down, and after one, all three of them stood up from behind the boulder before Richard blasted the puppet master with shards of ice while Christina completely eradicated the group of puppets with several of the golden beams from her swords. And while they had been cautious, Koko found herself with nothing to do as her friends had killed the small group of monsters easily by themselves.

"I guess I'm acting as nothing but the pack mule for the remainder of the dungeon." Koko sighed before walking back through the cave so that she could retrieve the giant crystal that they had collected from Gornic, which she'd dropped a ways back as she didn't want the light that it provided to give away their position to any unknown monsters.

"Hopefully we'll at least earn the currency required for your equipment with the crystal." Christina attempted to cheer Koko up.

"Hey Christina, do you know if dungeons have more than one boss monster in them?" Richard asked suddenly. "If so, then what do you think the boss of a puppet master would be?"

"A giant puppet master, maybe?" Koko offered her suggestion. "That seems to be what everything else is."

"I have no idea." Christina replied. "But we still need to be on our guard, even with the regular ones. They may die easily enough, but we still don't know how they fight."

"How long was the original dungeon anyway?" Koko asked, wondering just how long that they needed to be cautious as she reluctantly admitted that caution wasn't one of her strong points.

"Ten rooms deep apparently." Richard answered. "So we have at least seven more to go, though there will probably be more than that now seeing as it's evolved."

"So there's no hope of getting out of here before nightfall then." Koko sighed.

"I know you'd like to hurry, but your life is more important than any talent competition." Christina reminded her.

"I know that, it's just..." Koko started. "Frustrating, I guess."

"How so?" Richard asked.

"All of the enemies are so weak, yet we have to walk so slow so that we don't trigger any traps!" Koko explained while raising her voice. "This is driving me nuts! I just want to run forward and punch stuff!"

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