Chapter 118: Demon Vs Demon

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"Destroy... Everything..." A foreign yet strangely familiar voice spoke inside of Koko's head as she stood in place and watched as the green flames surrounding her body turned black. And while the fear inside of her had vanished when she'd donned the Demon Queen's Mantle, it was now replaced by an anger so intense that it felt strange given that her opponent had hardly done anything to incur it. However, such thoughts were lost in the storm that filled her mind as she focused on one thing and one thing only. The complete annihilation of anything that stood in her way.

"So it was true..." Clyis spoke softly while appearing to be startled. "You really are compatible..."

Without saying a word, Koko dashed forward and slammed her elbow into Clyis's stomach, this time nearly making the demon bend in half from the pressure of the blow before he rocketed towards the wall once more. Though rather than just making a crater, a series of bangs indicated that he might have passed through it and into whichever space was beyond the arena. However, even if she'd hit him harder this time, the demon still seemed to recover instantly as he flew out of the cloud of debris he'd just made and attempted to punch her again. Though this time, instead of either trying to evade or deflect it, Koko held out her hand and caught the attack with her body not moving at all despite her feet making trenches in the stone for several meters behind them as she was pushed backwards.

"Now this is more like it!" Clyis yelled excitedly as he attempted launch another barrage of attacks at her. Though unlike last time when he'd been so fast that she couldn't keep up with him, he appeared to be moving slower than how people normally moved to her as she easily deflected all of his punches and kicks before she closed the distance between them and uppercutted his chin. And now as she hit him, Clyis now soared into the air before he hit the stone ceiling with a thundering impact that made a good section of it collapse. But her anger wouldn't let her stop there as she them jumped up, turned in the air and drop kicked Clyis while he was still stuck to the ceiling, causing even more of it to collapse before she grabbed hold of one of his horns, forcibly pulled him out of the hole that he'd made and threw him back down to the arena's floor which shattered in the immediate area where he'd landed. However, after bouncing off of the ground, he flipped in the air and skid to a stop on his feet while cleaning a trail of dripping black blood from his chin with his thumb.

"You pass!" Clyis laughed as he yelled while Koko started falling back down to the ground. "You more than pass!"

Not seeming to be capable of conversing anymore, Koko instead used Lion's Barrage again, this time with every strike being a large Dragon Strike which ended up looked like a swarm of roaring dragon heads made of black fire which all headed towards their single target. Though before they reached him, Clyis took a deep breath, braced himself and let out a roar as he clapped all four of his hands together while at the same time releasing some sort of shockwave which rushed out and collided with Koko's attack. And as the two forces persisted, the pressure in the room increased dramatically with over half of the cultists in the bleachers collapsing before they eventually cancelled each other out. Though immediately afterwards, Koko fell on top of Clyis, grabbing one of his horns with her right hand along the way before she slammed him back down into ground. And while the floor erupted around them with the already cracked stone breaking apart, they soon left the arena entirely as Koko ended up forcing her opponent though the floor and into a dark cavern that had been underneath it.

Preparing to punch the demon while he was down, Koko instead let out a gasp as she was hit in the stomach hard enough to launch her back through the hole and back into the arena's ceiling. And despite her feeling of power, despite her anger, her vision blackened slightly before she fought off the unconsciousness that nearly took her. Though while she'd managed to stay in the fight, as Koko landed back down in the arena, Clyis jumped up to join her with his body now surrounded in an all too familiar green fire which she knew wasn't a good thing at all.

"How many hundreds of years has it been since I've had to use this?" Clyis grinned like a madman as he asked the question to himself. "And for you to be so low level... You have more than proven yourself. In fact, you're nearly perfect."

While not knowing how much FC she had left, Koko got back into her stance again while unsure if she would use anymore skills until she recovered it. However, whether she wanted to or not, she was forced to use Skill Cancel as Clyis thrusted one of his glowing open palms at her. And with her eyes widening in shock and her hand flaring in pain as his skill continued through her attempt until it shot past her head with the demon missing her intentionally, she clenched her teeth and attempted not to think on how the Skill Cancel had failed as she jumped, spun and brought her right heel against the side of the demon's head. However, rather than being effected, the air just seemed to tremble around them with Clyis smiling towards her while not seeming to have even noticed the attack at all. Though now her vision went dark as the demon grabbed her head with one of his hands which was large enough to hold onto her as if she were nothing but a baseball. And while she raised her hands and attempted to force him to let go of her, she found that she couldn't overpower even one of his fingers before he threw her and she hit the arena wall. Though as she'd hit it at an angle, she didn't stop immediately as her body followed the curved shape of the arena, nearly destroying half of the entire interior wall before she finally separated from it and tumbled across the floor.

Seeming to see a thick fog around her as she rose on shaking and bloodied limbs, Koko eventually managed to stand before she saw a dark shape directly in front of her which seemed to be reaching for her with its large hand. Though just before it grabbed onto her, she sidestepped it, jumped forward, grabbed both of its horns and used them to brace herself as she brought her foot down directly on its nose while hearing a satisfying crunching sound from the attack along with a roar of annoyance. However, while she'd tried to kick him again, she couldn't as one of Clyis's arms came crashing down on her, slamming her down on the floor and causing a warm liquid to fill her mouth before she coughed up blood which ran down the side of her face seeing as she couldn't find the energy to stop it.


Demon Mode deactivated.

"Be proud, Lady Cryner. You have far exceeded the expectations of all of the demon generals." Clyis's voice sounded far off and prideful as he spoke. "Rest now, your majesty. And when you wake, everything will be as it should be."

"S- Sorry... but I've always... been... rather stubborn." Koko forced the words to come out as she every so slowly rose to her feet again. However, even standing had taken most of her willpower and she could already tell that she might fall over at any moment now, though that wasn't going to stop her from at least trying to punch Clyis one more time. Because that way... That way she could eventually face her family and friends again and tell them that she'd done her very best in trying to return to them. And whether it was due to her own stubbornness or the overwhelming feeling of regret that she was feeling from having to leave everyone, it didn't matter as Koko had one last burst of strength which she used to walk forward towards her opponent.

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