Chapter 87: A Frosty Loss

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"Ah! Another missed note!" Koko yelled at herself before taking a few deep breaths in order to calm down. And once she had, she started playing her song from the beginning all over again and thankfully got it down perfectly this time. However, seeing as she still didn't get it right consistently, she figured that she still needed to practice so that she didn't mess up during the talent competition itself. Though she was interrupted before she could continue.

"Koko? Are you still in here practicing?" Christina walked into the room in disbelief. "The lock-down ended three hours ago!"

"Yeah, don't remind me." Koko puffed out her cheeks in annoyance as she remembered the reason for it.

"You should come and eat at least." Christina walked further into the room before putting her hand on Koko's violin in order to stop her. "It's not healthy to stay inside all day without eating or drinking."

"Is it really that late?" Koko asked before looking at the window to see that the afternoon light was already fading, though as she did, she blushed slightly from embarrassment as her stomach chose that moment in time to complain about her missing two meals. "W-well... I guess I can go to dinner."

"Good! Let's let's try to get there before the line gets too long, alright?" Everyone's probably already flocking there since we all had to miss lunch." Christina enthused before Koko set her violin on her bed and left the room with her friend. Though as they left the dorm, Koko couldn't help but look over at the destruction beside the dorm that was currently surrounded by a crowd of students who were all gossiping happily over her loss. However, seeing as she was attempting to stay as silent about it as she could, Koko let the situation pass her by before she followed Christina into the cafeteria which was surprisingly less occupied as she would have thought it would be. Though judging from the crowd she'd seen outside, Koko knew where most of the academy's students currently were.

"Hey, did you guys hear anything yesterday?" Mark asked excitedly as soon as Christina and Koko sat down across from both him and Richard.

"Nothing at all... it's actually rather disturbing." Christina replied in concern.

"I know right? I, for one, still can't believe that a snow golem appeared this close to Goldgate." Mark agreed.

"I can't believe that it was only found this morning." Richard replied in monotone as he slowly shook his head at the matter. "This is completely ridiculous..."

"I know, right?!" Mark asked. "With such a powerful monster, it's no wonder that they locked down the academy until the army could be mobilized. I'm just thankful that no one got hurt."

"Koko, are you alright?" Christina asked when she noticed how Koko was on the verge of tears.

IT WAS HER SNOWMAN! It was the biggest and best snowman that Koko had ever completed and most certainly the greatest one that had ever graced Elnor... And the kingdom sent the army to destroy it! How could they?! It wasn't even hurting anyone!

"Koko?" Christina asked again with Koko only replying by shoving her tray away from her and putting her head down on the table as he mourned.

"Just leave her be. She's suffering an artist's pain that only a few could understand." Richard thankfully explained for her. "But Koko, just for the record, that 'snow golem' was really awesome."

"(Sniff) Thanks..." Koko managed to reply while everyone else at the table was completely confused.

"The poor girl must have been terrified..." Mark sympathized from across the table.

"More like traumatized." Richard corrected him.

---Flash Back---

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