Chapter 69: Reward

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Name: Koko Cryner

Class: None

Title: Blue Demon (Destroyer, Second Daughter of the Cryner Family, Friend of the Goddess, Sub.)

Level: 24


Serpent's Sting - Strike an enemy for 120% melee damage. 70% of that damage will ignore armor. Costs 6 FC per use.

Lion's Barrage - Strike an enemy consecutively ten times with melee damage building 20% per strike. Any movement will cancel the skill. While active, user's senses are honed to an almost inhuman degree, increasing evasion rate by 80%. Costs 10 FC per use.

Skill Cancel - Cancel an enemy's skill so long as it isn't destructive enough to kill the user outright. Costs 10 FC per use.

Shatter - Hit a target hard enough to shatter their bones, dealing 200% melee damage and giving you an increased chance to cripple your target. Costs 30 Rage per use.

HP: (852/852)

FC: (146/146)

MP: (24/24)

RG: (0/100)

STR: (89)

END: (106)

INT: (14)

WIS: (23)

DEX: (111)

CHA (59)

Special Abilities:

Infusion - Able to infuse magic and focus into weapons to attack. Effect depends on the amount of MP or FC used.

Dragon's Fury - By infusing both magic and focus onto one's body, the user can enter a temporary mode in which the effectiveness of physical movement, normal attacks and skills is increased by 305%. However, a normal body cannot handle such power, and 44% of the total damage to any targets will be inflicted to the user to to backlash.

Yin-Yang - User is able able to recover 53% of both their MP, FC and RG instantaneously even while fighting. Can only be used once per day.

Meditation - User is able to increase MP and FC recovery rates by 521% while increasing HP regeneration by 255%. Must remain still and have a tranquil mind while active.

Magic Domination Immunity- Do to exposure and the user's willpower, they are now passively immune to Magic Domination.

Demon Mode - By combining MP, FC and RG, the user is capable of using lost skills that only races as old as the demons or dragons can still remember. However, such skills were never ment to be used by mortals and the user will lose their mind and attack everything they see during the duration. Enemies and allies alike. Note that all stats and skills are increased to an amount greater than Dragon's Wrath during activation, though it is still not considered wise to use it seeing as it temporarily gives one the appearance of a demon.

Equipped Items:

Koko's Combat Robes, Hardened Brawler's Gloves (Fingerless), Hardened Leather Boots (White Dye)

In looking at her new stats, Koko was surprised that she'd leveled up five times just from the boss fight alone. Though, whether or not if was from hitting the boss or defeating all of the smaller ents, she had no idea. And while she was surprised at her new level and the increase of her attributes, Koko was even more surprised of what the five levels had done to her special abilities. However, she didn't let her surprise show on the outside as she didn't want the others to know what she was looking at.

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