Chapter 26: The Weakest One

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"So? How do I look?" Koko asked to her new roommate as she spun around once in her new academy uniform, only to receive silence in reply before the girl simply left the room without saying anything. "You're either really mean and ignoring me or really nice and leaving without saying anything..."

Looking at herself again in the mirror, Koko didn't think that the outfit was bad at all, though her's was slightly stranger than others. Most girls at the academy, that Koko had seen, had chosen to wear black skirts along with their vests. However, Koko had chosen to instead steal a pair of black pants to wear which almost made her look like a cross-dresser. Though, with the way that she moved while fighting, she knew that everyone and their parents would be able to see her underwear if she'd worn a skirt, so this was an excellent compromise.

Shrugging as she figured that she looked decent enough and would be late if she tried anything else, Koko left the room and exited the building entirely before making her way to the main keep, entering it's doors along with a small herd of other students before she once again found that everyone was being crammed in together while waiting for the instructors.

"Everyone listen up!" Ol' Conner was back and yelling again as everyone quieted down for him to speak. "We will now begin calling out class numbers! Whichever instructor called out your number, you are to follow them to your classroom! And anyone caught attempting to sneak into another student's class will be forced to run ten laps around the academy, do I make myself clear?!"

"Aye!" Koko called out differently from everyone else while they just simply agreed with him.

"Class One, follow me!" A scary looking instructor with black hair and a matching black duster called out,  making several of the students in the crowd including Koko attempt to follow him past their fellows. Though thankfully she managed to make it through the crowd and begin following the others as they trailed their instructor. And, what was surprising to Koko was the fact that her roommate appeared to be in her class, which she didn't expect to happen.

"Our class will normally begin in this room here." Their instructor pointed towards an empty classroom with a large sign above it's door reading 'A-1'. "However, for today's class, we'll be going to the arena behind the main facility in order to preform a small test. And it'll be a surprise too, so no one ask what it's going to be until we get there."

"Ooh, cloak and dagger." Koko said in fake amazement at the man's mystery test.

"Any unnecessary comments will be met with punishment." The man replied to her jest, making Koko sigh as she already knew that he wouldn't be any fun.

Eventually, the class exited out of the back of the keep to find themselves standing in front of a five-story-tall half arena with plenty of space available on it's floor. However, half of the arena appeared to be missing as the keep didn't actually have any bleachers and the arena itself seemed to have been built onto the keep like an extra wall would be.

"There's plenty of space between the bleachers and the facility, so if anyone damages either one, they'll be responsible for repairing it." The instructor explained before suddenly turning around. "Now line up! Shortest to tallest!"

Moving to her place in line, Koko sighed as her place in the line was the last one with her being the shortest out of all of them. Though she didn't feel to badly about it seeing as the person closest to her was only just barely taller than she was.

"My name is Austin Vice, and I am the most talented instructor that the Adventurer Academy has to offer!" The man announced. "Which is why I have you, the most promising students that this year has to offer!"

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