Chapter 84: The Leaky Caverns (Part 9)

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"Die Magara!" Koko yelled as she ran past both of the stick figures and prepared to fight Magara. Though as she ran towards him, the bicycles at the sides all seemed to jump towards her, making Koko hesitate for a moment before she jumped from where she'd been standing and met them in the air.

With one sweeping kick she caught three of the bicycles together, making them all disappear into clouds of glitter before she spun in the air and kicked another down to the ground, making it disappear as well. And once she landed, she turned and grabbed two others by their handlebars before smashing them together, defeating them instantly. And while there were four bicycles left, they were quickly taken care of as one of the stick figures behind Koko blasted them with beams of light while the other attempted to hit Magara with a large fireball.

"Nothing that you or your allies can do will stop me!" Magara started laughing again before the outlined shape around him reared up on its back legs and started charging towards Koko.

"Bring it on!" Koko yelled out in defiance right before she grabbed onto the outlined shape's horns and attempted to stop its charge. And thankfully, after being pushed backwards several meters with her feet leaving small trenches in the ground, Koko managed to stop the shape while Magara glared at her from inside of it.

As soon as the shape stopped the stick figures both attacked Magara from the sides, though the beams of light were reflected somehow and the fireball that had been launched was detonated early by the outlined shape around Magara as it fired a beam of its own.

"Hn. Your attacks are pathetic." Magara smirked towards Koko before the horns she was holding rapidly lifted up, throwing her into the air until it shot another beam while aiming at her this time. However, with a quick Skill Cancel, Koko managed to cancel out the beam before she dived through the air toward her enemy with both of her hands covered in green fire.

"Magara!" Koko shouted before she finally reached the translucent shape around her enemy and used her Lion's Barrage, using Serpent's Sting with each strike in an attempt to hit the man that was just out of her reach. However, seeing as Magara seemed to be fine even after the ninth strike, Koko used the accumulated RG that she'd built up and used Shatter on the last strike, making the outline around Magara let out some kind of wailing sound before Koko had to jump away seeing as the outlined shape whipped its tail and she only just managed to avoid all of the projectile candy-canes that had been headed towards her. And one she was clear, the stick figures continued their attack with one of them hitting the outlined shape with two giant chocolate bars while the other made what looked like a halo appear above Magara. Though while the beams of light had once been reflected before, now a massive beam of light hit Magara directly from above, right where Koko had just delivered her own attacks before the beam penetrated the outline and Magara let out a yell of rage as the light intensified.

Once the beam of light ended, Magara was left breathing heavily as the outlined shape stayed slumped on the ground. And seeing as he was vulnerable, Koko wasted no time in attacking again, jumping onto the outline's back until she eventually climbed into the opening that the stick figure's attacks had made so that she could face the man directly.

"This is for messing with my new life and this is for all of the fans that you tried to hurt by ruining Ninja Clash!" Koko yelled as she punched the man twice while gathering all of her remaining RG and most of her remaining MP for her third punch. "And this is for destroying Ninja Clash 7!"

As soon as Koko's next punch connected, the outline around Magara erupted in a giant cloud of  glitter before the man started floating into the air and out of reach.

"Tsk. You may have won this time, but I will be back!" Magara glared at her as he escaped. "And when I do come back, the Ninja Clash series will be as good as finished!"

"Magaraaaa!" Koko yelled up angrily towards the retreating figure before he eventually became so small that he disappeared entirely behind the flying sweet bowls in the sky above her.

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Christina's P.O.V

Watching Koko climb into Ronton's open wound was... disturbing to say the least... But as Christina's friend climbed inside of the monster, she started punching something inside of it while yelling out the same nonsense that she'd been speaking about for almost the entire battle. Though thankfully, on her third punch, the boss monster disappeared into a large cloud of black smoke with both Koko and what looked like a horn made out of blue crystal dropping to the ground afterwards.

"Magaraaaa!" Koko suddenly yelled up towards the sky, seeming to be watching something ascend towards the clouds before Richard tapped softly on Christina's shoulder.

"Do you think that it's safe to get her attention?" Richard asked cautiously. "She's obviously hallucinating."

"I don't honestly know... She didn't attack us during the battle, so maybe she's fine?" Christina attempted to look towards the bright side of things. "I- I'll go try to speak with her, so be prepared to freeze her in a block of ice or something."

"Do you really think that trapping her in a block of ice would stop her for long?" Richard asked. "You did see what she just did to Ronton, right? Not to mention that she stopped its charge with her bare hands?"

"I've already volunteered to be the one to approach her, right? Or would you rather swap places?" Christina questioned.

"Nope, I'm good, thanks." Richard answered immediately. "So what's our backup plan in case she's hostile?"

"I can't think of anything other than to run as fast as we can back to the academy." Christina replied.

"There's no way that we can outrun that monster." Richard looked at Christina as if she'd lost her mind.

"If all else fails then I'll shape my swords to make a seat and we'll fly." Christina replied. "Though I'm not certain about how that'll turn out seeing as I've never tried it before..."

"So it's either death by Koko or death by flying accident..." Richard sighed at the options. "I suppose I choose the flying accident... Go on ahead. If she tries to punch you then I'll encase her in a block of ice and that'll hopefully buy us enough time for you to make your flying sword-mobile."

"Just be ready to act quickly because I'm not enjoying this any more than you are." Christina replied nervously before she slowly began walking towards where Koko was kneeling down on the ground. "Koko? Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Who are you?" Koko turned toward Christina and asked before shaking her head and smiling. "It's okay, even if you don't want to tell me your name, I still thank you for your help against Magara."

"R-right..." Christina replied uncertainly seeing as Koko hadn't even given her time to introduce herself.

"I hope that we can be friends, even if I'm a human and you're just a stick figure." Koko held out her hand as if for a handshake and Christina hesitantly took it before they shook hands and Koko started looking at their surroundings. "But dang that Magara guy... I would have figured that the dimension that he put me in would have ended once we beat him..."

"Stick figure?" Christina asked, still hung up on what Koko saw her as.

"Say, you wouldn't happen to know how to get out of this place, would you?" Koko turned towards her and asked hopefully.

"S-sure. Just follow me and I'll... take you to the exit..." Christina lied, reaching out and taking hold of Koko's hand again before beginning to drag her away. "Come on Richard, and don't forget to grab the crystal horn that the boss monster dropped!"

"Yeah yeah..." Richard lazily agreed behind her, though once the small group finally exited the natural bowl, they found that the road they'd followed early that morning was only a short distance away. And after reaching it and beginning to walk towards the tall towers that they could see in the distance, both Christina and Richard let out a sigh of relief as they were finally out of the dungeon. Koko, however, was still grumbling about how this 'Magara' character had escaped.

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