Chapter 8: Troublesome Situation

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"Are you finished training already, Koko?!" Teya asked, suddenly abducting Koko the second that she walked inside of the building and trapper her within yet another bear hug.

"I'm jush here to shee whatsh goin' on." Koko attempted to reply, though her face was smashed up against her sisters stomach, which felt like a steel wall. "That hurtsh!"

"Sorry! It's just that I haven't seen you all day!" Teya apologized before releasing Koko, and she unfortunately had to admit that it indeed was a part of her overbearing sister's daily ritual to trap her as soon as she finished with her training.

"Do you want to go in together?" Koko asked.

"No thank you, I can already tell that I don't like that man, and I'd rather he not try to use his power to propose to me." Teya waved the offer away, and while Koko would normally think that her sister was being far to confident in herself, she had to admit that the girl had received far to many marriage requests after her coming-of-age ceremony for it to be normal. Just like their mother, Teya had inherited a sort of natural beauty that seemed almost otherworldly. Or, it was at least compared to Koko, who had to admit that she was something of a tomboy.

"I'll see you later then." Koko parted with her then, and Teya waved her farewell before she left and Koko entered the meeting room where everyone else was present.  However, much to her displeasure, David was currently sitting in her chair with a disgruntled look himself as Ernie had placed himself directly at Benson's side. And while Koko wouldn't normally care where she sat, the seating arrangements of nobility were often a sign of importance to ones household, and sitting near the head of the table while only being a guest was considered a very great insult to the one that normally sat there. However, James at least knew the code of conduct, and Koko knew that she immediately preferred him over Ernie as she pulled out the chair and sat beside the newcomer.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear your last statement." Benson suddenly said, looking almost scary as he glared towards Ernie, and all of Koko's thoughts halted as she'd never seen her father look like that before. "Could you repeat it?"

"I said that unless the province of Wence returns the stolen goods that your people have taken from Herkfield, we will absorb Wence into our territory and condemn those responsible ourselves."

"And by just who's authority do you think that you can do that that?" Benson's voice trembled as he spoke, obviously just as angry at the teen as everyone else was. And while she'd been silent so far, Koko could tell that Shell was feeling the same way.

"On both my father's and the king's authority, of course." Ernie casted an evil smile as a scroll somehow appeared in his hand and Benson took it immediately, tearing off the seal and reading it over before paling somewhat.

"If there was ever an incident with my people, it should have been brought to me immediately so that I could investigate before coming to... this." Benson indicated towards the scroll. "But I regret to say that Wence does not currently have either the funds nor the products to pay what Herkfield demands."

"Then you will be handing over your rights to the territory?" Ernie asked with the same smile he'd had before, one that make Koko really want to punch him.

"This situation also give us the right to a Trial by Combat." Denson stated. "I'll be choosing that option."

"Are you certain you want to do that?" Ernie asked. "My father is over level one-hundred you know, and not you nor your wife would stand a chance against him."

"Then I will choose you to be our opponent." Benson replied, and Shell suddenly looked up in alarm at him as if something was wrong. However, Koko couldn't find anything wrong with the situation as she guessed that her father would win against Ernie easily. Even if she didn't exactly know what his level was.

"Great, then shall we shake on it?" Ernie asked while holding out his hand.

"Wait, Benson-" Shell called out, though it was to late as the two were already shaking hands and sealing the trail.

"Perfect, then now that neither of us can get away from it, I'll be choosing my opponent from your family." Ernie smiled again, leaning back in his chair as if he'd already won the trial. "After all, you chose the fighter for my family, so it's only fair."

"I suppose it is." Benson agreed sternly, and Koko was suddenly shocked with the turn of events before images of Ernie fighting either David or Tera entered her mind. And while she didn't know how good David was at combat yet, just the thought of this man fighting Teya... How could her father agree to such a thing?!

"Then will you be choosing David?" Benson asked, and Ernie tilted his head as if in thought, even though it was painfully obvious that he'd already made his decision.

"As interesting as a battle between heirs would be, I'm not interested in fighting with someone that is five levels higher than me." Ernie soon answered.

"So you would rather fight one of my sisters where the difference is even greater but in your favor?!" David suddenly stood from his chair with his voice full of fury.

"I would never dream of hurting my dear Teya." Ernie seemed to be trying to reassure David, though the only one that seemed relieved about that information seemed to be Koko as she didn't want to see her sister have to fight. "After all, once you're all commoners, she would make an excellent concubine for me."

"Watch your words!" Benson suddenly yelled with fury while standing up from his chair, sending the poor furniture flying the the air behind him until it shattered against the wall. "It's quite obvious who you're going to choose, so just get on with it!"

"But..." David said softly, and while Koko had felt relief at one point, now she suddenly felt a cold chill cover her as she suddenly knew who Ernie would choose to be fighting. After all, there was only one member of their family left to choose from.

"You said that your sister has been training to be an adventurer, right?" Ernie laughed as he spoke. "Well then, let's see if she made any progress!"

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