Chapter 48: Savior

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Richard's P.O.V

"You really can't blame anyone but yourself for this, Richard." Nem said as she ran the flat side of her knife down one of his bound arms

"We're doing this because we love you." Donna continued, choosing that moment to shove a rag into his mouth when he'd opened his mouth to speak.

"Girls truly are easy for you to manipulate, aren't they, Richard?" Hannah now stepped forward and whispered in his ear. "Though, I suppose they were easy for me to manipulate as well."

Wondering just what Hannah ment, Richard was surprised to suddenly see the flicker of electricity between her fingers. Though, while he'd originally thought that he would be the one being electrocuted again, he was even more surprised when both Donna and Nem let out cries of pain as the attack hit them instead.

"And now I have you all to myself... I bet your wondering what's even happening, aren't you?" Hannah asked in a silky sweet voice, which wasn't normally like her at all. It was almost as if this person wasn't Hannah...

"You see, I've been manipulating all of you from the very beginning." Hannah suddenly laughed before picking up one of the girl's kitchen knifes and moving towards him again. "How easy it was to get into your little group... all I had to do was fake being harassed by a noble and you ran to the rescue just like you had with Donna... Though, I suppose being beautiful helped my case. You wouldn't have been nearly as eager to help me if I wasn't. And the best part is that, even though he was innocent, you got the guy expelled when he tried to defend himself! How hilarious is that?!"

Not able to say anything, all Richard could do was look at Hannah, regretting his mistake as he'd been so blinded by the idea of getting a harem that he hadn't even really gotten to know any of the girls individually. Because if he had, then perhaps... things wouldn't have led to this. But what was she going to do now anyway?!

"Ah, that look in your eyes... You're wondering what my plan is, don't you?" Hannah asked, seeming to read his mind. "Well, if you must know, you are a very important person to both myself and my family."

"Someone with as much MP as you have has clearly been created for a singular purpose, don't you think so?" Hannah continued. "Yes... you are the perfect sacrifice, with more than enough MP to revive the Great One."

'S-sacrifice?!' Asked himself in a panic as he still couldn't speak. This wasn't how things were supposed to go at all! When he'd suddenly found himself in front of god and figured out that he was being transmigrated to Elnor, he'd been ecstatic that he could finally live out his fantasy life. Though when he'd asked a large amount of MP and the ability to use every magic as his power, he'd never expected this! He had to get away! He had to think of how to escape... but all of his skills were useless is these bindings!

"You don't have to struggle so much, you know." Hannah smiled at him. "All we have to do now is wait for the cursed wrist chain that I gave you earlier to absorb enough of your MP that you fall unconscious. And then you'll be the key that unlocks the destruction of the entire world! Aren't you excited that you get to play such a role?!"

'Not at all!' Richard shouted in his mind, struggling against his restraints for another few minutes before finally accepting that it was useless. He was completely powerless under these conditions, and in just a few more hours, he would be the one that brought the very evil to Elnor that he was sent here to help fight against... Someone! Anyone?! Help!

Koko's P.O.V

"Aaaah! Stupid Christina!" Koko said in anger, throwing another tantrum on her bed before she turned to see that Christina wasn't in the dorm room with her. Though, she already knew this seeing as the girl had been asked to wait beside were the dragon subjugation was taking place and hadn't taken Koko along with her. So now, even if the girl needed help, Koko wouldn't even know where she could find them.

Having been trying to sleep for the past hour yet not succeeding thanks to her anxiety, Koko eventually got out of bed, wondering just what she could do to pass the time that would allow her to sidetrack herself from thinking about the dragon subjugation. However, training her Magic Domination resistance was out of the question seeing as she had no one to help her, and just training her magical ability wouldn't work either seeing as it was pointless. So, the only thing that Koko thought of doing would be to train her balance, which she figured she could do by stacking perhaps ten logs or so end on end and trying to balance herself on top of them. After all, the more secure she was in her footing, the more situations she would be easily overcome when they finally came.

Despite having come up with a plan, Koko still couldn't help but worry about her friend all the way down the stairs before she left the dorm entirely and headed to where the logs were normally kept at the side of the arena. However, when she got there, Koko sighed as the instructors must have put the logs away while they were gone, and now she was going to have to get them out herself which ment going into the room where they stored the training equipment that she hated. After all, the room was cluttered beyond belief and difficult to navigate though even during the day, and she'd be lucky if she didn't trip over something and break her neck with how dark it would be inside during the night.

Sighing to herself as she knew that she would have to go slow and drag her feet to avoid running into anything, Koko finally reached the room and opened the door only to find a surprise waiting for her. The 'surprise' being that the torches inside of the room were lighting the space inside which also revealed...

"S-Sorry to interrupt!" Koko instantly yelled, only catching the sight of Richard chained to a wall while surrounded by his harem for an instant before she tried to turn around and close the door behind her, not believing that he was 'into' that kind of thing. However, she suddenly hesitated as she heard what sounded like him screaming at her through a gag. And judging by the fact that two of the girls were collapsed on the ground... "T-this is consensual, right?"

"Mmmmmmm!!!" Richard yelled in reply.

"One grunt for 'Help me!' and two grunts for 'Go away!', please!" Koko asked, slowly shutting the door behind her as this exchange was possibly terribly embarrassing.

"Mmmmmmm!!!!" Richard yelled even more enthusiastically than before, though seeing as it was only one grunt, Koko opened the door again and walked into the room.

"Alright! Release the princess before I start breaking bones!" Koko declared, figuring that she could at least help the guy out now that he'd finally figured out that his harem was full of psychopaths. 

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