Chapter 103: A New Friend

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"Go bug, go!" Koko shouted encouragement as the beetle that she'd 'convinced' to help her moved through the tunnels at record speed, even climbing straight up with ease as she rode on its back while hanging onto the hammer-shaped peice of its carpass that it had at the back of its head. And while it had been dark before, Koko was delighted by her new friend seeing as it was illuminating everything even more than a torch or one of the magic lights that they had used earlier as the red light was now shining through the wings and armored plates on its back for some reason. She was also glad for the speed at which they were going, which she guessed would bring her back to her team soon seeing as they were making their way up the tunnels that she'd slid down earlier.

"Hey, what are you-?!" Koko asked out loud as they finally entered the large space in which she'd fallen into the trap earlier and the beetle spread its wings before it began flying with Koko still on its back directly behind its head. And as they flew, Koko tried her best to stay calm as they left the ground before they eventually flew up to the tunnel that she'd last seen the others in to find that they weren't there anymore. Though that was to be expected as she'd guessed that they were already on their way back to the surface in order to report what had happened to her. Or, at least, that was what they were 'supposed' to do in this situation, as stated in rules that adventurers were meant to follow. Though if she'd been with them, she knew that there was no way that she would ever leave a member of her party behind like that... But regardless, it was in the rules, so she figured that she couldn't blame them for it.

While flying through the air, Koko found that her new friend seemed to easily carry her weight before it landed at the tunnel opening and immediately headed inside. And as she thought about it, Koko couldn't help but to have her opinion changed as, while she'd thought that all bugs were gross at first, the Nightmare Beetles were incredibly cool with their rounded heads, their sleek and armored bodies and their ability to produce red light. Their eyes, which were as large as bowling balls, also seemed to glow in the dark, and she found that they seemed to be rather large for the creature's rather small head which she now started thinking of as cute instead of creepy. Because, after all, having large eyes on a small head reminded her so much of how anime was drawn that she couldn't help but to appreciate it.

"Okay, I've decided! I'm going to call you... Senshi!" Koko declared, hoping that she remembered the japanese word for 'Warrior' right as she named him. "From this point onward, you are my Senshi, and you will not do anything bad like attacking people or eating food that isn't yours. Alright? Do that and I promise that you won't get killed by any adventurers or eaten by any bigger bugs."


Attempt to tame subdued creature processing...

Taming attempt success, Koko Cryner has tamed Nightmare Beetle!

Level 46 Nightmare Beetle renamed to Senshi!

Monster status removed from Senshi.

Senshi has been registered as a pet.

This pet is an Omnivore. It can eat both meat and vegetables, though it prefers fruit.

Senshi has gained new abilities!

Mount- This pet is large enough that it can be used as a mount.

Flight- This pet is able to fly, though using its wings will tire it more than using its legs.

Glow- This pet is able to glow brightly in the dark, making it a suitable substitute for a torch.

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