Chapter 49: Saving the Princess (Part 1)

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"Just who are you calling a princess?!" Richard shouted as soon as he finally forced the rag from his mouth.

"It's either that or I start calling you Peach from now on. Take your pick." Koko laughed despite even knowing that there was no way that he would get the reference.

"Don't call me Princess Peach! You having even saved me yet!" Richard yelled in reply, making Koko suddenly confused as she thought that he might have actually gotten it before she realized that she had more important things to think about at the moment.

"Oh, Koko... You could have lived if only you hadn't stumbled in here." Hannah, who appeared to be the alpha yandere of Richard's harem, said softly before the air around her seemed to distort. And while Koko knew what was coming, she couldn't do anything to prevent it as Hannah began using Magic Domination, which everyone in their class knew was her weakness thanks to the overly open Austin's teachings.

"Don't-" Koko started before falling to one knee, bracing herself against the Magic Domination as Hannah slowly approached her with what looked like a kitchen knife. "Don't mess with me!"

Unfortunately for Hannah, her Magic Domination was nothing compared to Christina's, and Koko easily fought through it before backhanding the side of Hannah's head. And without even giving the girl a second look as Hannah flew into the nearby wall, Koko walked past her and up to where Richard was still chained to the wall.

"So? Which one of them has the key?" Koko asked.

"I have no idea." Richard answered, obviously feeling relieved. "But thanks. I thought that I was going to be butchered."

"It's your own fault get getting involved with a bunch of crazy people." Koko replied as she turned around and headed back towards Hannah before beginning to search the that the girl's pockets for the key, though it was to no avail.

"Yeah... I guess so." Richard sighed. "But anyway, what's with Princess Peach?"

"It just seemed fitting." Koko shrugged in reply as she started searching both Donna and Nem.

"How was it fitting? Where did you get the reference from?" Richard seemed insistent on his questioning, making Koko cringe internally as she knew she'd messed up. She'd never thought about the possibility of there being other people than her who had been taken from Earth and transported to Elnor. Though, judging from his black hair, clearly Asian facial features and massive magical ability, Koko thought that she could slap herself for not even guessing it before.

"Who knows... but it doesn't look like any of the have them key. Or it's not in their pockets at least, and I'm not strip searching them with you here, even if they are your harem." Koko declared, thinking it best to avoid the subject. For now, at least.

"You're from Earth, aren't you?! There's no other way that you would know what a harem is!" Richard seemed excited for some reason as Koko walked up to him and sighed.

"Hey idiot, does anyone from Earth have natural blue hair?" Koko asked, hoping the guy would shut up while she grabbed his chains and started pulling on them in an attempt to snap one of the links. Using brute strength as she guessed that they were somehow magic resistant or else Richard would have already escaped by now, Koko strained until the link nearest to the metal cuffs around Richard's hand snapped, making her stumble backwards slightly before she moved to the other one and attempted the same thing.

"Well... I guess that's true..." Richard sounded almost disappointed as he thought about it, though the idiot soon regained the light in his eyes as realization dawned on him. "Hey? How do you know that there are no blue-haired people?! You are from Earth, aren't you?! I am too!"

"Would you shut up already before you wake one of them up?!" Koko shouted angrily while snapping the other chain at the same time. "There. But we're going to have to find a different way to get you out of those cuffs."

"The cuffs are the last thing that I'm worried about." Richard suddenly grew serious as he started messing with the metal cuff on his left wrist. "I-I can't get it!"

"Get what?" Koko asked curiously.

"They gave me a cursed wrist chain this morning that's been draining my MP all day, and now I can't get it off because it's under the cuff!" Richard said with a strained voice as he attempted to get the fingers from his other hand underneath of the metal. "Gah! I can't get it."

"Want me to try? Though, I can't guarantee the safety of your bones if I do that." Koko asked without even teasing him. It was true that she could probably break his bones in order to get her fingers around the chain, and while the process would be painful, it would be necessary seeing as Richard could die if all of his MP were continuously drained.

"I'd like to avoid that, if possible." Richard sighed. "But for now, let's just get out of here."

"You go ahead." Koko waved him on. "I'm going to keep looking for the key."

"Alright... thanks again." Richard replied tiredly before he started heading towards the door, though just about when Koko was about to begin her search, she heard Richard's voice from the door again. "Uh, Koko? I might need your help over here."

"What? Can't open the door?" Koko replied, actually teasing him this time before looking over to see that he already had the door partially open and was looking outside of it. And when she joined him, she finally saw his predicament. "So who did you borrow money from?"

"No one! I have no idea who these guys are!" Richard defended himself before opening the door the rest of the way to further reveal the men in red and black cloaks waiting for them outside. There seemed to be at least twenty, though judging from the two men dressed in silver and black robes in the back, she guessed that most of them were small fry. And she confirmed that when she started reading all of their name plates, which had their names obscured but levels intact as they ranged anywhere from level twenty to thirty-five.

"Well there has to be some reason that they're here, and I don't remember getting on the bad-side of any cults recently, so it has to be you!" Koko shouted at him.

"Well... Hannah did mention something about her family wanting me and my high MP for a sacrifice, but I didn't think that she ment this." Richard replied.

"Great... Just great..." Koko complained, wondering just what she'd gotten herself into this time before one of the men dressed in silver and black cloaks stepped forward to speak.

"Both of you will be coming with us now." The man seemed to almost giggle, revealing a mouth full of rotted yellow teeth from the only part of his face that was visible, though what Koko was most worried about was the fact that she couldn't see his level because it was to high. "Don't make a scene now and I promise that there won't be much torture before you die. That sounds like a deal, doesn't it?! Ha!"

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