Chapter 98: Bugs are Gross

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"Alright! Let's go!" Koko called out excitedly before running towards the centipede. And once it noticed her, it let out another small screech before it twisted in the air and its head landed on the ground at Koko's side as it attempted to slip past her. Though before it reached the front line of the knights, Koko turned and quickly activated her new skill, punching the air in front of her with a glowing yellow fist before the fist stopped yet the glow continued moving forward at a rapid pace. And after leaving her body, the glow grew stronger until it took the form of a dragon's head and became bright enough to look as if it were a solid small dragon made of light. However, while the dragon's head was only the size of her fist, the skill was still capable of doing damage as the dragon head bit onto the side of the centipede and the area that was hit detonated, sending several severed legs flying through the air as the monster recoiled from the impact.

"There's more where that came from!" Koko yelled, sending another two Dragon Strikes towards he centipede with both hitting the creature on the side of its body just behind its head before she used Twin Dragons to attack it while it was vulnerable. And seeing as the creature had already been reeling in the air from the previous hits, it was taken completely unaware as the final two dragon heads hit it just underneath its head from the front at the same time, bending the creature almost in half while its carapace shattered on the top of its head.

"Eww, gross!" Koko flinched as purple blood began to spray all over the ground behind it and slightly sprayed her as well before the creature finally stopped screeching and collapsed to the ground. Though seeing as it hadn't turned into black mist yet, she was certain that it was still alive before she looked back towards the opening to the ants nest to see something she hadn't expected, which was two more centipedes struggling to move past each other as they exited the hole. And while the arrival of two more was troubling seeing as the first wasn't even completely dead yet, Koko soon understood why it hadn't disappeared as the opening rose slightly when a massive beetle of some kind finally revealed itself in which the three centipedes seemed to be attached to.

"Ah, Christina's going to be mad at me now..." Koko spoke to herself as she watched the opening collapse behind the beetle. Though rather than a beetle, seeing as the three centipedes were all connected where the creature's head should have been, she knew that this was the main body of the mini-boss, hence why the defeated head hadn't vanished yet.

"What the heck is that thing?!" One of the classmates behind her asked.

"It's like the creepy bug version of a hydra." Koko answered. "Don't worry, I'll still take care of it so just focus on any ants that appear!"

After she was finished talking, Koko drew back her fist and made another Dragon's Strike that shot forward but unfortunately missed the target seeing as the centipede she'd been aiming at dodged it. And after dodging, both of the creature's heads attacked Koko with the first crawling across the ground towards her and with the second reeling back before spitting a ball of some kind of green liquid at her. Though while she dodged the ball of sticky material that was coated in dirt the instant that it touched the ground, she had other things to worry about as the other head reached her and attempted to pounce down on her with its legs, only to instead to hit the ground where she'd been standing as Koko ran towards the mini-boss's main body. Though while she'd been dreading it, she now knew that she wasn't going to have a choice but to actually touch the monster as her Dragon Strike ability wouldn't be ideal when this close. And seeing as this creature was large and dangerous enough that she didn't want to let it reach her classmates, she grew near the base of the centipede's head before she released several Serpent Stings and made the bottom chitin plate she'd been aiming at burst open, causing her shiver as she got even more of its purple blood on her before she was suddenly hit in the side as the final head retaliated by slamming its body into her. And while the attack did hurt, it didn't disrupt Koko long enough so that she couldn't block the monster's next attack as the last centipede attempted to bite her with Koko catching its mandibles before it had a chance to snap them at her.

"Gross gross gross gross gross!" Koko cried as he monster's drool landed on her, though that didn't last long before she threw it off of her far enough so that she could draw her fist back again, this time using her Shatter skill and consuming the rage she'd built up as she hit the centipede in the head and the area shattered, spraying her with even more purple blood and chunks of monster before before the last head fell and the beetle body of the creature started attempting to pull itself back inside of the hole, though that was impossible seeing as the system had collapsed.

"Koko! We heard- Are you alright?!" Christina's voice asked in concern as she and her group of classmates arrived.

"Hey, did your entrances collapse too?" Richard arrived as well before he spotted Koko and instantly recoiled. "W-whoa! What happened to you?!"

"I hate bugs." Koko nearly cried as she whispered to herself and the monster's blood dropped off of her. A chunk of the centipede's carapace even fell out of her hair before she punched both of her hands forward at the same time, using her Twin Dragons skill before the attack hit the body of the mini-boss  and all three centipede heads cried out in pain despite being limp.

"Maybe this will be a good lesson for you." Austin said as he arrived as well. "You should have sent a runner to ask for reinforcements instead of trying to fight a mini-boss alone."

"Nobody asked you." Koko replied in another whisper as a terrible feeling spread throughout her body and she shivered seeing as the once warm blood was cooling rapidly in the light breeze.

"Well? Did you learn your lesson or are you going to be just as hard headed as usual?" Austin continued, and Koko slowly turned a glare towards the man before she started walking towards him.

"Austin, I'm feeling pretty bad right now. I think I need a hug." Koko spread her arms in emphasis.

"Don't you even think about it..." Austin narrowed his eyes at her.

"Come on, Austin. Isn't it the instructor's job to comfort his students when they need him?" Koko asked as she increased her pace.

"Koko! Go away!" Austin yelled before he turned around and started running through the forest.

"Come back Austin!" Koko yelled as she chased after her instructor, slow enough to not catch him but just fast enough to make him suffer. "I want a hug!"

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