Chapter 93: End of the Year Disaster

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"So you say that they just left you after delivering the amulet?" Arch-Bishop Nathan asked curiously as he examined the accessory. "Thankfully there's just equipment inside of it and none of it seems to be cursed, but it's still strange that they would just give it to you."

"He honestly called you a potential spouse for their 'Great One'?!" Benson fumed. "The nerve of those cultists... If I ever get my hands on them, then I'll-!"

"Benson, that's enough." Xavier ordered and Koko's father immediately lowered the tone of his rant until he was just mumbling to himself. "The problem we should currently be pondering is that fact that so many cultists were able to infiltrate the city. Despite there being so people entering all at once, it still should have never happened and the fact that they managed to slip past the guards so easily is disturbing to say the least."

"More disturbing for some than others..." Koko whined. "Is this because of the demon mode that I used in front of them?"

"Possibly, but we don't even know if their 'Great One' is really a demon or not." Nathan sighed. "With our lack of information, it could be a giant fish for all we know."

"I am not the potential spouse for a giant fish!" Koko replied angrily towards the man.

"Right... sorry." Nathan laughed nervously while Koko felt Christina's hand on her shoulder.

"It's going to be okay." Christina offered her a comforting smile.

"Easy to say when you don't have a cult full of stalkers after you." Koko replied before sighing to herself. "But I guess worrying about right now won't solve anything."

"Right you are." Xavier agreed. "From now on, Koko, I don't want you to be alone. Have either Christina or your other friend with you at all times. We can't be sure as to why they're focusing on you, but I for one don't plan on letting them have anything they desire. Much less one of my most promising future nobles."

"Y-yes sir..." Koko actually hesitated as she hadn't been expecting praise from the king of all people.

"Though I suppose in another year, you won't be a noble at all anymore, but an adventurer instead." Xavier had to ruin the moment as he sighed. "But regardless of that, today is supposed to be a day of celebration. Everyone please go back to whatever it is that you were doing before this event transpired and try to have fun. But don't let your guard down, Koko. Also, you're welcome to take shelter the castle whenever you like should you need to, so don't hesitate to come here should you be ambushed again."

"Thank you, your majesty." Koko bowed slightly as she responded. And without another word, both Xavier and Nathan left their group, leaving Koko and Christina to face her father.

"It's driving me mad that I can't stay at Goldgate and try to protect you..." Benson spoke with his voice full of frustration before he leaned forward and wrapped Koko in a hug. "Just please, stay safe and don't do anything reckless. That's all I ask."

"While I do agree with your wish, you should know Koko well enough to know that she'd going to be reckless no matter what you say." Christina interrupted with an amused tone.

"Oy, not helping." Koko grumbled as Benson's embrace grew tighter.

"Don't hesitate to send for me if you need help." Benson continued until Koko hugged him back.

"Thanks dad, but I'll be alright." Koko replied. "'Great One' or not, I'm not going to let anything defeat me. Ever."

"I know that you won't." Benson let out a sad laugh as he let go. "But like Xavier said, you really should get back to the dance and try to enjoy the rest of the night."

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