Chapter 37: Magic Domination

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"C-can we talk about this?" Koko asked nervously as it suddenly became apparent that she wasn't going to get the resistance that she so desired any time soon. Meanwhile, Christina was advancing on her and eventually swung he sword at Koko, making her dodge to the side to attempt to avoid the attack, though she wasn't nearly fast enough now that she was under the effects of Magic Domination and was cut in the shoulder again.

Not knowing how deep the cut was, all Koko could do was stumble away to attempt to distance herself from Christina before the hero suddenly lunged forward, hitting Koko in the stomach with the hilt of her sword so hard that it immediately knocked all of the breath out of Koko's lungs and sent her tumbling backwards across the ground. Rising to her feet again as she knew that staying on the ground would most likely mean getting defeated instantly, Koko suddenly felt her head start ringing and Christina brought the side of her blade slashing through the air until it hit the side of her head, causing her to sway slightly as the already darkened world around her started spinning. However, somehow she still managed to brace herself with her foot and lean her head back in time to evade Christina's next punch before hitting the hero with one of her own. Though this strike's power was nothing compared to what it was before thanks to her body being nearly paralyzed due to the overwhelming magic pouring out of Christina.

"This is over, just stay down!" Christina yelled as she attempted to punch Koko again, only this time it connected and Koko felt herself falling down, somehow not even knowing how it happened now as her entire body seemed to be numb. Her once stinging cuts didn't hurt anymore and her willpower was fading fast while it succumbed to the Magic Domination, and now that she thought about it, Koko smiled slightly as she thought that this was most likely because she was running out of FC.  She'd never taken it this far before seeing as it recovered rather quickly depending on her of concentration, though now it seemed as if she was finally losing the battle.

"Don't... even joke like that..." Koko laughed slightly as she slowly stood up, not even knowing where to look anymore as her mind portrayed Christina as a giant that stood at least twenty meters tall. "If I back down here, no one's going to stop Celdric..."

"You're wrong about Celdric!" Christina replied. "He's the purest man to ever grace the kingdom! He helps those out on the streets, he diligently follows his faith and he even helped a slave like me actually become something!"

"And how many more slaves has he helped other than you?" Koko asked. "The evidence that I have... I left the academy last night and grabbed it from his desk in the temple... I even used the secret door above his room that I saw him take the other night to meet with the thugs that he's hired."

"Shut up..." Christina's troubled voice almost hissed.

"That blacksmith from the other day... those thugs ripped it apart and found nothing, even though Celdric had been sure that they were hiding valuables. Valuables that he wanted." Koko continued anyway. "He took away everything from them, just because he believed that they had something to help them financially and he wanted it."

"Shut up!" Christina yelled.

"I'm not going to! Not until I've knocked off that veil that's over your eyes!" Koko yelled back before breathing deeply, feeling that her FC was returning to her even if it was painfully slow. However, she didn't have time to wait for it. "Yin-Yang!"

Yelling the name of her special ability as it was the only one that she had the she couldn't activate with techniques alone, a green light suddenly shined around Koko as half of both her FC and MP were restored instantly, filling her with a large energy boost as well as the Magic Domination faded around her. And as it faded, Koko once more got into her stance, eager to end the fight as quickly as she could before the rush ended. However, she still couldn't use Dragon's Fury seeing as she didn't want to kill Christina outright or critically harm her.

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