Chapter 38: The Path to Redemption

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Christina's P.O.V

Leaning over as soon as she entered the carriage, Christina clenched her teeth and held her stomach with her arms where Koko had hit her. While she'd known Koko was strong from all of the logs she'd been able to carry, she never could have guessed that this kind of power could be put behind that strange fighting style of hers. And even now, Christina didn't know what the outcome of the battle would have been if the girl hadn't been weak to Magic Domination. To make matters worse, it didn't even appear as if Koko had been giving her best effort either as Christina still didn't know what the girl had been planning in the end.

'Stop ignoring them! Stop ignoring yourself!' Koko's words echoed through Christina's mind, making her clench her fists as the words infuriated her to no end. Of course she felt bad after every purge, but that was because of the gods attempting to keep her on the path of righteousness, wasn't it? In her mind, Koko's and Father Celdric's words were conflicting with each other as both sides had a certain amount of sense behind them. But the fact that she was even considering Koko's words alone was... No! Celdric could never do those kinds of things! He... he couldn't...

Healing herself with a spell called Minor Heal, Christina was trapped in a state of inner turmoil for the rest of the carriage ride until they eventually entered Goldgate and made their way to the temple. However, as soon as Celdric stepped inside and casted his normal warm smile towards Christina, her doubts nearly disappeared completely before she started hating herself for even thinking of doubting the man. He'd saved many people, including her, so why? Why did she ever let Koko's words effect her?

"Good morning, Christina." Celdric greeted her as soon as he climbed in the carriage.

"Good morning, Father Celdric." Christina replied, smiling herself now that her foggy mind was becoming clearer. "I assume that you need my authority for another purge, correct?"

"Yes, unfortunately." Celdric suddenly lost his smile as he sighed. "With evil spreading so quickly these days, it appears that nothing is safe from corruption... even an orphanage."

"An orphanage...?" Christina's asked, her eyes slowly opening in shock.

 'Oh, you mean the orphanage that you're heading to, right? Or did Celdric even tell you that before he asked you to help with evicting those kids that have nowhere else to go?' Koko's accusing voice once again entered Christina's mind, instantly making her doubt of Celdric enter her mind again as Koko had somehow known where they were going.

"Christina? What's wrong?" Celdric asked, seeming to be genuinely concerned about her.

"I-it's nothing." Christina replied with a fake smile. "I just had a sparring match with a fellow student this morning and they were stronger than I thought, is all."

"To be able to fight against you, they must be quite strong indeed." Celdric agreed. "But if you are feeling well enough, then we really must be on our way. The evil will spread even further for every moment that we tally here."

Reaching back and knocking on the wall of the carriage behind him, the coachman once again started moving the horses forward and they were off again, though Christina couldn't look at the man while they traveled. Instead, she preferred to look out of the window at the city, watching the buildings pass by them as she attempted to sort through her thought. More than anything, she wanted to believe in Celdric, but the more she thought about it, the more it sounded as if Koko was right. The gods did all believe in forgiveness and compassion, so why would they make her feet guilty after every purge? Why would they allow those that were innocent to suffer?

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