Chapter 116: The Beginning

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"You guys again?! Why won't you leave me alone?!" Koko asked angrily. "And before you reply, know that I've been fighting bugs in a hole all day, I've been covered in gross stuff without access to a bath and the next person that says something idiotic to me is going to be missing a few teeth."

"As harsh as ever, I see." The cult leader chuckled. "To be honest, while we were surprised by the adventurer's progress in our dungeon, your presence with them explains everything."

"Your dungeon?" Koko asked. "Why the heck would you have a dungeon full of bugs?"

"Because they make the best tunnels." The man shrugged. "And while you've all been busy with an extermination... Well, let's just say that Goldgate hasn't been having the best of times."

"You... What the heck did you do?" Koko asked while slightly afraid of what the answer was going to be.

"The insects connected several tunnels at the very bottom of the dungeon to the the city's sewers, and our forces have been pouring out ever since." The leader chuckled. "Though once the queens are defeated, I suppose the skirmish will end. What with the adventurers being bound to collapse the tunnels and all."

"Why? Why are you attacking Goldgate?" Koko asked.

"Because it is the Great One's will." The leader answered. "And you will soon come to understand his will as well."

"Yeah, I'm not interested in joining this particular country club. But thanks for the invitation." Koko declined immediately.

"Perhaps you will decline as you are now, but once you awaken-"

"This... little girl, is the one that you spoke of?" A deep and foreign voice echoed throughout the arena before Koko looked away from the cult leader and to a dark passageway between the stands of the arena.

"What is-?" Koko left her sentence unspoken as a meter and a half tall humanoid creature slowly walked out into the light. And upon seeing it's grey-blue skin, overly-large teeth sprouting from its closed mouth, four arms and wings on its back, well... Koko couldn't exactly be sure what she was currently looking at. Unless this was what counted as a demon in Elnor.

"Lady Cryner, this is the third general of the demon king's army. Clyis." The cult leader introduced him. "Clyis, this is the Blue Demon."

"Blue Demon? This thing looks like nothing but a snack." Clyis sneered at her.

"This thing may be about to end you." Koko replied evenly, though currently her mind was full of questions as this was the first that she'd heard about the demon king's army. "So what gives? Why bring me here? And I swear that if this is about the 'spouse to the Great One' nonsense-"

"You are here simply for an introduction." The cult leader explained.

"I'm not satisfied with just an introduction, and neither will any of the others be." Clyis growled as he crossed all four of his arms. "I'm also here for a test."

"A test?! There was never anything said about a-"

"Remember your place, Human!" Clyis snapped towards the man, causing the robed figure to bow slightly before he began backing out of the arena. "Now then, Blue Demon. We will see if you truly do have our blood."

"Hold it!" Koko raised her hand to stop the demon's advance. "I have questions! First, why are you guys so focused on me? Second, what do I need a test for? Third, why the heck should I have to do anything that you say?"

"Because I may tell you later, I doubt that you're what we're looking for and because I'll skin you alive if you don't." Clyis answered all three of her questions.

"Try me and see what happens." Koko dared him while gesturing him forward with her hand. After all, she'd been fighting all manner of creepy monsters, centipede hydras and boss bugs with acid snot all day. And in comparison, this guy didn't seem like that much of a problem.

"Hmm... She appears to have the nerve for the position, at least." Clyis's grin showed the rows of sharp teeth in his mouth. "So determined despite knowing the level difference between us..."

"Y- Yeah..." The cult leader agreed while choosing that time to look away and scratch underneath his mask.

'He totally didn't tell the demons that I can't see levels that are too high!' Koko yelled in her head. 'Wait, do they even know?'

"Well then, Cryner. Show me the color of your blood!" Clyis yelled before charging forward while nearly moving too fast for Koko to react. However, she managed block his fist with her crossed forearms at the last moment before she was lifted several meters into the air while landing back on her feet soon after. But while she'd only just landed, she hadn't even seen the demon move before he appeared in front of her while ready to strike again. "What's the matter? Are you so slow that you can't even draw your weapon?!"

"News flash!" Koko yelled before dodging to the right of the incoming punch and surprising Clyis by grabbing hold of his arm and twisting. Though she wasn't done yet as, while using his momentum against him, she lifted him off of his feet before swinging the large demon over her shoulder and eventually slamming him down on the ground behind her. "I don't need a weapon!"

"I can see that!" Clyis suddenly gave her a fierce smile before she had to backflip away as the demon spun on the ground while attempting to kick her. Though after jumping to his feet, the ground erupted beneath him and Koko found herself suddenly flying through the air after the demon had flashed to her side and connected a blow before she could even move. However, while ignoring the pain, she immediately attempted to compensate for the demon's incredible speed by activating her Dragon's Fury and landing on her feet just in time to block a kick that had been aimed at her midsection with her hands. Though once his attack failed, Clyis raised all four arms above him and attempted to smash them all down on her at once, only to be surprised as Koko stepped forward and jumped through the gap between the demon's arms and chest before uppercutting his chin and sending him flying through the air until he eventually twisted and landed on his feet several meters away.

"The power of dragons..." Clyis smirked as he wiped the blood from his chin with the back of his lower right hand. "So a human really can accomplish it."

"You haven't seen anything yet." Koko replied while sliding her foot on the ground as she got into another stance.

"Then show me." He replied before surprising Koko as he...

"Hey... Isn't that a karate stance?" Koko asked.

"Ka- rate? This is a lost demon fighting style that only a few of my race know of... Though it appears that you have a similar fighting style." Clyis replied before grinning a toothy smile. "This test should be rather fun."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Koko replied. And while she knew that her situation wasn't good, she couldn't help but be excited as she was facing possibly the only other martial artist on Elnor.

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