Chapter 110: Dungeon Wreckers

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"Look Christina, we have matching titles now!" Koko said happily in an attempt to console her sulking friend.

"Dungeon Wrecker isn't a title to be proud of, Koko." Austin scolded.

"Says a guy who doesn't have it and feels left out." Koko replied with a taunting smirk. "And when Richard eventually makes a mistake and blows out a wall or something, then you'll be the only one in the group that's left out."

"Why do you just assume that I'm going to make a mistake?" Richard asked as if her words had hurt him, though he didn't have his moment for long as everyone was distracted by the section of the hallway behind them which chose that time to finish collapsing due to Christina's handywork.

"Koko, if this happens again then I'm talking to the church about seperating you two." Austin sighed as the way behind them became blocked by a mountain of rubble. "Your bad habits are rubbing off on the hero of all people."

"Huh?! How is this my fault?!" Koko asked.

"I'm sorry... I- I didn't think that this would happen." Christina apologized while kneeling down on the ground and looking traumatized after the idea that she'd had turned into disaster. Because while spikes, giant swinging axes and storms of poisonous darts were shooting out of the walls at them, she'd had the idea to expand her barrier of light outward to cover all of them so that they didn't get affected by the traps. Though when the axes appeared out of the ceiling again, the old device that they were attached to couldn't handle being stopped, thus destroying it which resulted in in a chain reaction that started ripping the walls apart as well as collapse the ceiling. And by the time the destruction was finished, a large section of the castle had collapsed and the hero had accidentally earned her new title.

"Don't worry about it. Stuff like this happens all the time." Koko attempted to reassure her.

"No it doesn't." Both Austin and Richard said at the same time.

"And don't mind them. They're just jealous." She gave them an annoyed look while shooing them away with her other hand.

"But now that we've destroyed half of the castle, let's keep going so that we can clear the rest of it." Austin ordered. "And no more barriers unless one of us is in a life threatening situation."

"Yes sir." Both Christina and Richard replied before Koko helped Christina off of the ground and the group continued through the hallway. Though it didn't stay a hallway for long as they opened a pair of wooden double doors at the end of it which led to a long staircase that would take them several floors up once they climbed them. And when they eventually reached the top, they found themselves at the side of a gigantic outdoor area with the edges having decorative stone railing on them. Though while it seemed to have once been a place for eating seeing as there were tables and chairs scattered throughout the area, that time was either long past or the furniture could have just been used for decoration as it didn't appear to have been used for quite some time. But rather than getting to stop and admire the decorative railing or enjoy the view that the area offered, they tensed the six-foot-tall humanoid monster standing in the middle of the area reminded them that it was a dungeon.

"A boss monster... We still haven't cleared this path yet, so we're going to have to fight it." Austin stated as he drew his daggers again.

"Richard?" Koko asked.

"Douglas the Chef, level sixty-five." He thankfully explained as what looked like a man that had been turned into a beetle started clicking at them before snapping  his fingers as well which made a clacking sound seeing as his body was covered in an exoskeleton. And even if the monster did have the head of a cockroach and was horrifying to look at, Koko couldn't help but think that the white chef's hat and apron that it wore diminished its otherwise scary features.

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