Chapter 115: Royal Rumble

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"Close your eyes, Senshi!" Koko called out after she'd dropped from his head. And now she could only hope that he'd followed her instructions as she extended her right foot and slammed her heel directly into the middle of the beetle queen's back between its wings. But while the monster's carapass broke apart where she'd struck, she had to hit it two more times with her fists while still falling so that she could make her attack truly successful until she finally fell past it and landed on the springy spider webs which acted as most of the chamber's floor. But almost immediately after she landed, so did the monster as it crashed into the webs beside her and managed to rip a large hole in the surface with its legs.

"Well done! Now concentrate your attacks on the grounded beetle queen!" Dedrick yelled from behind everyone. "Yuli's group, focus on the ant queen's legs and immobilize it! Velicia! Try to blind the spider queen so that it can't aim its webs as accurately!"

With their leader giving orders behind them, Koko ignored everything else other than their own problems as she and several other members of her group rushed towards the beetle queen. And while it turned to face Neren as he performed some kind of skill that grabbed its attention, she was able to flank it as she ran underneath of the beetle and aimed a few blows at its legs. But unlike her success with the wings, the legs had much thicker armor around them and she couldn't do any damage before she had to retreat as the monster only just barely missed her with a stinger that it had hidden at the end of its rear.

At the front of the monster, Neren blocked another few swipes of its legs before the beetle's top half was covered in fire as the mages casted their spells. Though after the cloud of flames dispersed, the beetle queen let out a high-pitched screech as several arrows pierced one of its large eyes from their group's two rangers who were firing constantly from behind the mages. Though as the others kept its attention at the front, Koko found herself in a dilemma as she discovered that the monster's carrapass surrounding its legs was too thick for her to shatter while the underbelly was so soft and elastic that none of her blows seemed like they were doing any damage.

"What the heck is with this?!" Koko asked as she used her Serpent's Sting skill on the monster's stomach without it seeming to do anything at all. Though, that wasn't entirely true as the monster suddenly collapsed on top of her. And thankfully, seeing as she was still on the elastic spider webs, she didn't get completely crushed. However, while she wasn't hurt badly from it, the move from the monster had pushed Koko's irritation past its safety limit as she didn't appreciate being sat on.

"Okay! That's it!" Koko yelled before she sprang to her feet, ran to the nearest of the beetle's legs and began to punch its base again. However, rather than using normal attacks, she used her Lion's Barrage with each strike using her Serpent's Sting skill until she saved her last three for Shatter. And while the first seven strikes had mostly softened the interior of the leg, as her last three hits completely drained her rage, the carrapass finally broke apart with the leg beginning to fall before she caught it.

With her punches not having hardly any effect against the monster's stomach, Koko swung the creature's leg like a giant sword before it cut a gigantic hole in the creature's stomach with tan blood spraying out as it happened.

"Look out!" Neren yelled as the man appeared in front of Koko just in time to block the stinger again before the monster backed away quickly, still bleeding from where she'd cut it as it let out a low whimper. However, now Neren had to block its attack again as the beetle queen lowered its head and charged at the both of them with the tip of its mandibles hitting his shield. And as it hit, Neren couldn't hold his ground and Koko pushed against his back as they were both sent skidding across the spider web until they reached the stone bridge again. But even there they continued to skid until Koko noticed some movement and jumped in time to block the ant queen's charge as well with her feet. Though now, with her hands on the beetle queen's head and her feet on the ant queen's head, her body flared with green light as she activated Dragon's Fury so that she didn't get crushed between the two. And if that wasn't bad enough, the spider queen which had been hanging overhead suddenly dropped, seeming to be attempting to crush them even though the bodies of the other two queens stopped it from even reaching them.

"Both of you in the center, get out of there! Rangers! Bind the monsters in place! Mages! Prepare your most destructive spells and let all three of them have it!" Dedrick's voice echoed throughout the chamber. Though seeing as she was the one keeping the monsters from squishing them, Koko had to continue holding the two bugs apart while Neren squeezed through the side until he finally escaped out from in between them and held out his hand for her.

"Come on!" Neren yelled with his arm outstretched. However, Koko could only move a few inches at a time as she slowly inched her way to the side of the two monster's heads while they continued trying to crush her. But while the rangers were spreading large nets over the monsters and Koko was about to jump away from them, the unexpected happened as the stone of the bridge beneath her began glowing before finally erupting and covering Koko in a wave of fire. But instead of feeling hot like she would have expected, she dropped to the ground as the monsters had either suddenly moved away from her or disappeared entirely before she quickly sat up and examined her surroundings. And as she did, a bad feeling slowly crept over her seeing as she wasn't in the chamber with the boss monsters anymore and found herself in the center of what appeared to be a large underground arena of some kind with the audience being made up of her least favorite cult members.

"I've very glad that you could join us, Lady Koko." A terrible but familiar voice announced from in front of her, causing Koko to quickly rise to her feet while looking at the cult leader.

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