Chapter 53: Explanation

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Despite her normal carefree attitude, Koko was currently a bundle of nerves as she sat alone in the center of what looked like a large dungeon room. Though it wasn't the room itself that made her nervous, but because some of the most important people in the entire kingdom were sitting at it's sides, all looking at her with suspicion as she twiddled her thumbs and tried not to notice. Though thankfully Christina was there along with them, even though her friend was't allowed to sit beside her.

"Well then, as we all have busy schedules, let's begin." Conner, the Adventurers Academy Headmaster, stated as he sat in the chair directly in front of Koko, right beside Arch-Bishop Nathan and King Xavier. "Koko, you understand why you're here, don't you?"

"Not at all. I just woke up in chains." Koko gave a failed smile towards them, thinking that she would have been angry at first about being held prisoner if she didn't recognize who these people were.

"You're here because of the transformation that you underwent last night." Conner explained, though Koko was still confused as ever.

"What transformation?" Koko asked.

"You're not aware of it?" Conner asked while looking to the Arch-Bishop for help.

"She isn't lying." Nathan shook his head, and Koko suddenly became nervous as she thought that the guy might be reading her mind. Think of nothing but sweet bowls! Nothing but sweet bowls!

"Did you encounter any strange system messages last night?" Xavier asked, though this time Koko actually knew what he was talking about.

"Well, I leveled up and gain a few more abilities, but that's it."Koko replied, thinking back to her final moments with the cultists.

"And what were they?" Xavier continued.

"W-well..." Koko hesitated slightly, thinking that telling someone what her abilities were was embarrassing seeing as they were heavily guarded most of the time.

"You have to tell them Koko, otherwise you might be executed!" Christina yelled in concern.

"Eh?! Executed?! Why?!" Koko started freaking out on her chair and making the chains rattle beneath her.

"Because, even if it was only temporary, you transformed into a demon last night." Conner glared at her, causing Koko to stop shaking her chains.

"I didn't transform into a demon! That was Demon Mode. Mode!" Koko countered. "It's the special ability I just unlocked last night along with the rage gauge!"

"Rage? Isn't that something that normally only beserkers have?" Xavier asked thoughtfully.

"It is." Conner confirmed.

"I got it because I was angry at the cultists for killing Richard when he tried to protect me." Koko hurriedly explained. "Wait, how is Richard, is he alive?!" 

"He's alive, and he's already recovered." Christina was quick to reassure her.

"That's good... I thought that he'd died because of me." Koko sighed in relief. "But seriously! I'm not a demon!"

"Koko, your title has been set to 'Blue Demon'. We can all see it on your name plate." Christina replied again.

"That isn't my fault!" Koko replied, wondering just why it had changed without her permission.

"This 'Demon Mode', that you spoke of before. How is it activated?" Arch-Bishop Nathan asked.

"If I had to guess, it's by combining all three of my gauges." Koko replied miserably, thinking that giving out her information was better than being executed. "Magic, focus and rage."

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