Chapter 7: System

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Panting from exertion after finishing her consecutive strikes on the training post, Koko fell backwards into the long grass behind her so that she could relax, thankful that she'd kept a patch of it from being worn away from all the travelling she'd done to and from the post. She'd already been practicing hitting the device for two years now, and she could already tell that her seven-year-old body was far more fit than it had been in her previous life, even though she'd played sports in several of the schools she'd went to. However, her fitness wasn't just about her gaining muscle from her training and combat practice, but her magical practice as well.

Finally, after training every day for so long, Koko could finally see the Name Plates above most of everyone's heads save for her parents and some of the guards. It really all depended on what level they were, and seeing as the max level that Koko could currently see was thirty, she knew that her parents must have been strong for one reason or another, not that she hadn't noticed that already. And it wasn't just them either, but Teya and David as well, who were somehow getting stronger every day at a faster rate than Koko was.

Teya, whom Koko suspected had been secretly killing monsters or something with her mother, was already at level twenty-four even at the young age of twelve, which seemed ridiculous to Koko's gamer sense. Though, even she wasn't able to measure up to David, whom was just like their parents with his level and name being hidden to her. And among all of these people who didn't train nearly as hard as Koko did, she was completely aghast at how much weaker than everyone she was.

"System." Koko said after catching her breath, revealing her 'stats' which her parent's had told her how to do after their conversation two years ago. Or in other words, it made a bunch of legible information appear in front of her eyes so that she could check her status.


Name: Koko Cryner

Class: None

Title: Second Daughter of the Cryner Family

Level: 5

Skills: None

HP: (348/348)

MP: (12/12)

STR (32)

END (30)

INT (7)

WIS (10)

DEX (35)  

CHA (21)

Special Abilities: None

Equipped Items:

Koko's Training Robes, Training Gloves, Soft-leather Boots

"My intelligence is only at seven, even though I'm more educated any anyone else here." Koko grit her teeth at the infuriating number, wondering if she had somehow offended the goddess that had sent her to Elnor before she sighed at her level. She's trained so much, yet she was only level five?! Seriously?! Sure, she didn't think that she could win in a fight yet, but there seriously had to be some mistake. How could training all day every day not produce more results than this?! Not to mention the fact that she was becoming rather proficient with the martial arts that she was using every day, but she hadn't gotten a class from it either. Of course she didn't think that she would make it as a monk or brawler, but were there seriously no classes that just used their fists to fight in this world? She'd seen several of the guardsmen and townsfolk looking at her as if she were crazy while punching the training post every day, and even her mother had told her to start using a training sword when she noticed the calluses on Koko's knuckles, elbows and feet, but all of them just didn't know that martial arts was a thing, right? This wasn't going to turn out to be useless, right?!

That fear had been driving it's way into Koko's mind for the past year now, though she wasn't about to give up after the amount of effort that she'd put into her training. Not now and not ever, even with the results looking the way that they were. Though she didn't think she would mind it if she started showing at least some improvement soon.

"Lady Koko! Your brother is back from school!" Jazzy yelled from the distance, and Koko easily jumped to her feet and dusted herself off before beginning to run back to the mansion so that she could greet him. Because even if he was her brother and they annoyed each other, she still loved him, and she also loved messing with him.

"Welcome back, David!" Koko ran up to the mansion and tackled her brother from behind before he could even turn around, though he'd grown large from his time at the Knight's Academy and all she could do now was hang in the air from his neck while he tried to turn and free himself.

"Thanks, but could you get off of me?" David asked in a hushed tone. "We have company."

"So I'm guessing that this is one of your sisters? I can't say that I'm disappointed." Someone nearby laughed, with his tone immediately making Koko dislike him as it was almost as if the boy were laughing at David.

"This is my youngest sister Koko, and she's like this because she's training to become an adventurer." David explained after Koko finally got off of him and looked at the two new arrivals that were standing at the front of the mansion. The tall one that hat teased her being a level twenty-nine knight named Ernie Blackman and another level twenty-five knight called James Packer

"Did she just start today? She's only level five!" The boy laughed, and Koko glared at him, thinking that his looks were wasted on a personality such as his. The boy, perhaps sixteen years old, was tall and well built with a broad chin and handsome nose. Combined with his cropped blonde hair, he seemed like a stereotypical knight, though his attitude made him seem more like a thug than anything. The other newcomer that wasn't saying anything was also handsome, though more in a 'pretty boy' kind of way as his medium length straight black hair parted to the sides of his face, revealing his sharp facial structure. He seemed to be only a few years older than she was, though Koko forgot all about him for now as she focused on the arrogant one.

"She might be low level, but she's been training herself harder than anyone." David seemed to get defensive for a moment, and Koko was thankful until Ernie spoke again.

"Has she? Well, I suppose I would expect nothing less from the second daughter of a backwater province like this one." Ernie laughed, and apparently David was thinking the same thing as Koko as even he seemed to be struggling to hold his anger.

"Though it is a backwater, it is still pleasant enough." Benson suddenly appeared from the front door, and Koko slightly smiled to herself as the the intruder stiffened slightly. "You are Baron Blackman's heir, correct? Welcome to Wence."

"Thank you, I would expect nothing less than manners from the famous Brute of Bards." Ernie preformed a low bow to Benson.

"Please, come inside." Benson welcomed bother Ernie and James inside, while David seemed to hesitate outside when they left as he apparently still had to calm his anger.

"If you don't like him, then why did you bring him?" Koko asked her brother, having never seen him like this before.

"He's the heir of a Dukedom, and he insisted that he come along with us during the break." David breathed in heavily before turning to look at her. "Don't mind anything he says because the guy is a natural-born jerk, but James is my friend, so try to be good to him. Alright?"

"As good as I am to you?" Koko nudged David's leg playfully and he put his hand gently on top of her head in response.

"Better, I hope." David laughed slightly before he let both of them inside so that they could see just what Ernie wanted with their father.

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