Chapter 46: Trouble Stirring

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"What do we do, Christina?! This is terrible!" Koko cried to her friend later that night. "We're going to be separated when we graduate! I just know that we are!"

"Well, I'm not sure about that, actually. "Christina laughed hesitantly. "From the agreement that the church had with the Adventurer's Guild, I'm going to stay at Goldgate after graduation. And seeing as you're the lowest rank in the academy, you'll most likely get to stay here as well because the monsters are weaker.

"But then I'll still have to put up with James!" Koko complained again. "I know he's nice, but he keeps following me around just because I'm 'interesting'. That's not nice! It's creepy!"

"If it gets bad enough, we can always complain to the king, I suppose." Christina sighed before adopting an annoyed look. "Not to mention that fact that Richard seems to be following a similar path now. I still can't believe he left our sparring match just to confront Prince James..."

"That's really weird to." Koko nodded her agreement. "And the worst part about it is that I have no idea what he wants. Because if he wanted me to join his harem, then he probably would have come after me before we became friends."

"Harem?" Christina tilted her head in confusion at the strange word.

"It's where one person somehow manages to get group of people of the opposite gender to fall in love with them." Koko sighed in annoyance. "That 'group' called a harem, and apparently it's every man's dream."

"W-while polygamy is legal, I don't really think that I like anyone who would openly desire that situation." Christina suddenly became embarrassed as she discovered the meaning. "It's not faithful, and it's also against the church's teachings."

"Yeah, and it's also a recipe for disaster." Koko said as she fell on her bed and looked up at the ceiling. "No matter what happens, I think that there's always someone who's going to feel left out and is going to end up being hurt... It's just not worth it, and I don't want to have anything to do with that! All of the other girls are yanderes too, so it's even worse! They'll try to kill me!"

"So? What do you plan to do?" Christina asked.

"I'll just keep continuing as I am now, and then I'll turn him down when he makes his move!" Koko replied in a determined fashion. "After all, I'm more resilient to the situations that would make most other girls fall in love! I'm here to be an adventurer, not to find a spouse!"

"Then I'm glad that I don't have to worry about that at least." Christina laughed slightly.

"No, you have to worry about it too!" Koko suddenly pointed a finger at her friend. "If he's targeting me, then he'll probably go after you along with me! You're the hero, after all!"

"Eh?!" Christina looked horrified at just the thought of it.

"Don't worry, I'll use what I know to protect you, so just tell me if you think that you ever start to feel anything towards him and I'll bury him beneath a mountain! Let's see his twenty-thousand MP get him out of that!" Koko declared, feeling full of determination as Christina slightly shied away from her.

"Koko, you're kind of scaring me now so please don't go that far. Okay?" Christina asked hesitantly, though that was as far as their conversation got as both of them heard someone knocking on their door.

"Come in." Christina welcomed them in.

"Oh, it's the elf!" Koko said excitedly as she hadn't seen the woman that now entered their room in quite a while.

"If you'll excuse me." The woman said before she entered the room and closed the door behind her.

"Did you need something?" Christina asked.

"I'm simply here to inform all of the students that tomorrow's classes have been cancelled." The woman replied.

"Is there a reason we should know about?" Koko asked curiously, somehow feeling that the woman seemed tense despite her perfect posture and determined look on her face.

"There's a B-Ranked monster, a dragon, that's been sighted near Goldgate. And not only all of the city's forces, but all of the adventurers are being called to subjugate it before it can cause any damage to the neighboring towns or the city itself." The woman explained. "That includes the headmaster and the instructors, who are adventurers themselves."

"Is everyone going to be alright? Do you need my assistance?" Christina asked in concern.

"Unfortunately, while you are the hero, you are not strong enough to be able to fight a dragon just yet." The woman spoke to Christina apologetically. "However, we will be communicating with the subjugation forces from here, so either I or one of the other dorm supervises will tell you if the situation changes."

"I'm going too!" Koko declared, attempting to contain her excitement as she thought of facing a dragon. "There's no way that I would let Christina go off by herself!"

"No, you won't be coming with me." Christina shot Koko a look that said that she wouldn't accept any argument.

"Eh?! But I'm almost as strong as you are!" Koko replied. "I can help!"

"Koko, if that dragon uses Magic Domination on you, you wouldn't even be able to fight. You might even die instantly." Christina explained regretfully. "I'm sorry, I know that you're strong, but until you get the resistance then I'm not going to risk you like that. Not to mention that fact that you're still only level eighteen..."

"Raaaah! Stupid Magic Domination! I want to punch whoever created it!" Koko shoved her face into her pillow and started rolling around on her bed in a tantrum.

"Thank you for letting us know." Christina thanked the woman and the elf left soon afterwards with Koko pouting in the mean time. Looking over the top of her pillow with angry eyes at Christina, the girl hurried and got ready for bed before blowing out the candles and finally going to sleep, all while ignoring Koko's glare.

"If you really do go and fight that dragon, you need to be careful, okay?" Koko sighed as she forgave Christina, knowing that her friend was right. "Don't go and think that you need to save every single person and sacrifice yourself while doing it. You won't be able to save anyone if you die."

"Koko... thank you." Christina rolled over until they were facing each other, and Koko could only barely make out that the girl was smiling in the moonlight.

"For what?" Koko asked.

"For caring about me." Christina laughed slightly. "I've never had one before, but having a friend really is nice."

"Yeah, I guess it is." Koko laughed slightly as well. "But if you get in trouble, Magic Domination or not, I'm coming and I'll beat that over-grown lizard to death with my fists if I have to. You can count on that!"

"Don't worry, I believe you." Christina laughed again. "But let's save all of that for tomorrow, alright?"

"Alright. Goodnight then." Koko closed her eyes as she went to sleep.

"Goodnight." Christina replied, however, neither of them ever fell asleep as they wondered just what tomorrow would bring.

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