Chapter 70: Feast

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"Attack!" Koko yelled before tackling her target from behind, wrapping her arms around his neck and hanging from his back like she'd done so many times before.

"Koko! Not in the castle!" David complained, though she didn't pay his complaints any mind as she'd missed her elder brother and was reviling in their reunion.

"Koko!" Another voice yelled from behind them and David suddenly collapsed on the ground as Teya copied Koko's actions, sandwiching the small martial artist between the priestess and the knight. And even though both David and Koko were tapping Teya's shoulder and the ground in surrender, the pressure from the girl's hug only seemed to increase as she cried. "You idiot! Why are you fighting boss monsters when you're only level eighteen?! Do you even realize how worried we've been about you ever since we knew that you were a part of the subjugation?!"

"S-sorry... please... air..." Koko pleaded, though her request was ignored and the pressure instantly doubled when Shell joined in.

"Even though I don't like the fact that you did something so foolish, you were still so brave in fighting a powerful creature like that!" Shell joined Teya in crying as she reached her arms around both girls and attempted to crush them both. "We're so proud of you!"

"Get... off...please..." David now pleaded from the ground, and Koko instantly felt sorry for her brother as all three of them were now piled on top of his back.

"Shell, dear, don't you think that there's a better place for this kind of thing?" Benson asked uncertainly as several other nobles in the castle's dining room were looking at them with disapproving gazes. Though seeing as the entire feast that they were gathering for was being held to celebrate Koko's accomplishment anyway, none of them seemed to want to come tell her to keep quiet.

"Not now, Benson!" Shell's voice immediately snapped at his attempt to ruin her reunion, causing the Baron to instantly go quiet as the recently freed David walked beside the man to comfort him.

"W-whats happening?" Richard asked with worry as he walked over.

"To think that Koko of all people is getting crushed like that..." Christina added as well.

"All of the women in our family have... abnormal strength." Benson laughed nervously as both Koko and Teya became blue in the face with small spirits coming out of their mouths. "But I seem to be lacking in manners. My name is Benson Cryner, Baron of the Wence territory and Koko's father."

"My name is Christina Alma, Hero of the church and Koko's best friend." Christina greeted him in reply.

"It's a great pleasure to meet the Hero." Benson shook her outstretched hand as he spoke. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter."

"If anything, I would say that she's been taking care of me." Christina laughed slightly before their handshake ended.

"My name is Richard Cowell, freshman at the Adventurers Academy and Koko's friend." Richard greeted Benson as well, reaching out for a handshake just as Christina had done.

"Ah yes, I've heard of you. The young prodigy with over twenty-thousand MP, correct?" Benson asked as he took Richard's hand, though the 'prodigy' winced as the man's grip tightened. "I trust that you are just friends with my daughter, correct? I would hate for the guild to have to lose such a promising adventurer, after all."

"S-sir?" Richard asked nervously, looking up at the scary smile that Benson was giving him before two dark and evil looking shapes appeared behind the Baron.

"Dear, I certainly hope that you aren't threatening our daughter's friends." Shell asked, and Richard seemed to grow even more nervous as the look on the woman's face was much more terrifying than that of her husband. Though despite that, Benson was still looking at Richard with his threatening smile.

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