Chapter 126: The Big Plan

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Koko's P.O.V

"Just who do you think that you're calling a creep?!" The powerful man's voice yelled again. "Plagus, turn some lights on in here!"

"As you command." The other man's voice replied before the throne room became illuminated by perhaps fifty wisps of fire that moved through the air. And now that there was light, Koko finally saw the other people in the room for who they were as, other than Clyis, there was a tall multi-eyed demon in long robes that was floating a few feet above the floor, a pair of creepy kids with pale skin, white hair and eyes that were dressed in gothic attire and finally the demon king himself. But while the guy was definitely frightening with his skull armor, horned helmet and large frame, his being upset over being called creepy was ruining any first impressions that he might have otherwise made when he became visible.

"There. What do you think now?" The demon king questioned while using his previous powerful tone.

"I think you already ruined your chance. Nice armor though." Koko crossed her arms as she replied. "Now let's get down to business. There's no way that I'm becoming your queen."

"You don't have a choice." The demon mage called Plagus replied. "Unless you sincerely think that you can fight both us and the army outside of the castle in your condition?"

"I don't have to be in good condition to bring this shiny new castle down on your heads." Koko threatened while mimicking the demon's tone. "Unless you sincerely think that you can stop me before that happens?"

"Oh?" The mage asked as if excited for a challenge.

"'Oh?' yourself." Koko stuck her tongue out at the second demon that day.

"You will become the queen as it is your destiny." The twins said at the same time.

"Nooo~ My destiny is to travel the world with my friends and eventually fight monsters that'll make the lot of you look like tiny bugs." Koko corrected them. "I didn't have any intention of marrying anyone before all of this, so what makes you think that I'll marry a demon that's invading my homeland?"

"Because you have no choice." Plagus answered while pointing at her neck. "I have no doubt that you've already found your collar, but it isn't just to block your access to the amulet underneath or kill you should you try and break it. No, rather, it is slowly instilling a ritual within you that will split your very soul. And in the end, we will have our demon queen while your human side will become nothing more than a husk of your former self."

"W- Why the heck do you guys need a demon queen anyway?!" While she'd already been afraid of what might happen to her, Koko's facade of confidence was now starting to fail her as she was surrounded by powerful enemies and the thought of having her soul split apart didn't sound good at all.

"To secure our presence in this world." The demon king answered. "We demons are not a natural existence here, and we are only able to cross between the worlds due to a lapse in the divine's watch which occurs every few hundred years, and even that's only if preparations are made beforehand on this world as well. But after we arrive, our existence slowly deteriorates and we are transferred back to hell unless we find an anchor."

"And a part of my soul is that anchor?" She guessed.

"Yes." The demon king confirmed. "As yours is an existence born here, once the ritual is competed, it will tie our two souls together. Though once you become the anchor that ties me to this world, I will be the one to anchor all other demons. And once that comes to pass and I am able to open the gates of hell, this world will become ours."

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