Chapter 17: Land Development (Part 1)

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"David!" Koko yelled excitedly before crashing into her brother, once again jumping onto his back and hugging him before he had the chance to turn around. However, by this point he was used to it and he didn't even bother trying to resist.

"What do you want, Koko?" David asked with a sigh. "You never do this unless I'm either coming back home from the academy or you want something."

"You understand me so well~." Koko replied in a sing-song tone.

"You've been gone for three days and now you suddenly want something, so spill it." David now demanded, and Koko released him so that they could face each other. "But it'd better be something quick, because I'm leaving tomorrow for the academy again."

"Eh?! It feels like you just got back!" Koko complained.

"This was only ever a leave of absence for me, and then we spent most of it at Goldgate and you abandoned everyone afterwards! Don't blame me for not spending time with each other!" David looked at her accusingly.

"Sorry... Care to take a walk with me to make up for it?" Koko asked. "You know... if you're not busy."

"A walk? Where to?" David asked curiously.

"The plains on the outskirts of Wence." Koko replied.

"Why on Elnor would you want to go there?" David asked suspiciously. "There are monsters outside of town, you know."

"I know, that's why I'm asking for your help." Koko answered. "I've spent the last few days walking up and down the coast, but I didn't find anything, so now I need to check the plains. Though it would be unfair to the guards that have to follow me if I run into any monsters."

"But it's alright if we run into monsters while you're dragging your brother along with you?" David asked as if hurt.

"Yup! After all, you're strong, aren't you?" Koko asked with the sweetest voice and expression she could make.

"Before I agree, I want to know what you're looking for first." David sighed.

"Something abnormal." Koko replied, though she had to continue explaining once she figured that David wasn't going to go with her just based on that information alone. "Blackman wanted something in Wence enough to commit treason, right? I want to find out what that something is."

"So that's why you've been gone..." David said thoughtfully.

"If there's anything that can use to help Wence's economy, then we need to find it. Especially now that Dad's a Baron and the territory he has to watch over has quadrupled." Koko explained. "There was nothing along the coast, so Blackman didn't want Wence for any smugglers or a landing force for an invasion or something, therefore I'm guessing that there's something in the plains that he found."

"Alright, but I'm just helping you out until this afternoon, got it?" David asked. "I really do have to start heading back to the academy tomorrow, and I don't want you going out to the plains by yourself later either, okay? You're not strong enough for that yet."

"Thanks, you're the best!" Koko cheered, though that cheer was cut short when she was suddenly grabbed from behind by a familiar vice grip.

"I'm coming too!" Teya declared as she hugged Koko. "You risked your life at the trial and then you've been gone for the best part of three days since we've been back! You need to stop doing stuff on your own!"

"O-okay Teya. Please don't kill me-" Koko attempted to say, but she didn't know if anyone understood her as her voice box was currently being assaulted.

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