Chapter 119: The Enemy

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Christina's P.O.V

"Is the dungeon collapsing or something?!" Richard asked with worry seeing as this was tenth time in a past ten minutes that the ground under their feet shook. However, seeing as the ceiling wasn't falling down on them, Christina didn't think that was the case.

"We'd know if it was collapsing. Trust me." Dedrick replied. "But good work with subjugating the boss monsters everyone! With this, we'll have stopped the threat of the monsters and saved lives!"

While everyone else cheered, Christina began to look around the room for Koko seeing as she hadn't seen her friend ever since halfway through the battle. However, no matter how many times she scanned the adventurers, the blue-haired girl was no where to be seen before she was distracted by the ground shaking again. But while it had been light before, this time the shaking had been enough to knock several people off of their feet.

"We should get out of here before the place really does collapse." Austin offered his advice with Dedrick nodding in agreement soon after.

"Christina! Where's Koko?" Richard asked as he ran up to her. "I can't find her anywhere and Senshi's acting crazy."

"Senshi is?" Christina asked before she looked over towards the nearby wall where the beetle was repeatedly flying into it as if attempting to attack the stone.

"She's missing, but if she really did tame that beetle then it must be trying to reach her." Austin stated.

"Richard, blast a hole in that wall with your fire magic. There might be a secret passage that will allow us to continue forward." Dedrick ordered. "Otherwise we're all stuck down here."

"Christina, can you try to get Senshi out of the way?" Richard asked and she did so now by corralling the beetle with her swords. And as soon as it was out of the way, Richard hit the area with a large fireball which shook the chamber that they were in when it detonated. However, when the debris from the blast cleared, it revealed that there actually was a space behind the door. Though seeing as the opening was still too small for anyone to pass through it, Richard hit it with another attack before they all moved forward into a small tunnel which seemed to have been formed naturally.

"Wherever this leads, I'm guessing that Koko is there seeing as Senshi won't calm down." Christina said in a strained tone as she concentrated on keeping the beetle from hurting itself against anymore walls.

"Keep moving forward and keep a lookout for the missing student." Dedrick ordered before they all started walking through the tunnel. However, when the tunnel suddenly ended at a ridge that overlooked a massive tunnel which seemed like it could have fit another castle inside of it, all of them froze as they watched the thousands upon thousands of monsters all head down it in one direction with them being illuminated by the nightmare beetles.

"By the goddess... There's an entire army." Conner spoke in a loud whisper.

"Are those demons mixed in with them?" Christina asked in a whisper as she watched the large humanoids move.

"Where are they going?" Richard asked.

"I don't know for certain, but there's a possibility that they're headed for Goldgate and we can't let that happen!" Dedrick yelled loud enough for all of the adventurers to hear him. "Mages, hit the walls with everything you've got! Bury them in their own tunnel!"

"But we'll be buried too!" One of the adventurers stated.

"It's either our lives or those of everyone we care about in the city!" Dedrick replied. "Mages! Attack it now before anymore get through!"

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